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Slams on the desk echoed in everyone's ears while they watched in silence as her testimonies were being copied by the police officer they have encountered earlier.

On the other side of the room, two figures, one purplehead and a blonde glared at each other but didn't speak. Tension was rising up between the two of them yet they stayed silent to not cause anymore trouble.

Admittedly, it still did hurt. Seeing your first love be happy with someone else, seeing your first love have the brightest of smiles and being with someone that could make them happier.

First love did indeed hurt.

Fiddling with her fingers, Jinsoul's fixated eyes on the person in front of her moved to another corner when a pink haired woman approached the purplehead. Asking her questions if she was alright and if she had jet lag because according to the pink haired, they should've never rushed back in New York to come and see Jiwoo in the first place but she had to because after all, they were friends.Sooyoung noticed how uncomfortable Jinsoul was and so she decided to talk to her despite having Hyejoo between the two of them, the redhead's hands still had the baseball bat.

"Hey Jinsoul, do you want to go home?" Sooyoung might have asked that question a bit louder than she should have because the couple that sat across them both turned their heads in Jinsoul's direction.

Hyejoo scoffed at that.

"No. I'm okay. You need to talk to Jiwoo, right?" The blonde responded and Sooyoung once asked if she was sure and Jinsoul only nodded quietly. Hyejoo on the other hand was getting a bit impatient.

"When the hell is Jiwoo going to sit here in front of us? I want to slap her so bad." She muttered and a glare from the purplehead made Hyejoo more annoyed. "Piss off."

"What's the violence for? Even though Jiwoo did something wrong, she shouldn't be hit or slapped by anything." Karina mumbled, rolling her eyes at the three of them and Jungeun kept quiet.

"Of course you'd defend someone like her. Don't they say, birds with the same feather, flock together?" An annoying grin formed up on Hyejoo's lips that made Karina's blood boil.

Jungeun could feel that trouble was going to get to all of them so she, being the peaceful person that she was, tried to calm Karina down instead of bickering with Hyejoo. All they wanted was to talk to Jiwoo and even if she wanted Jiwoo to get locked up in jail, she agreed with the redhead when it came to slapping her.

She also really wanted to slap Jiwoo so bad.

"Rina, calm down." She whispered but of course, Karina was just as hard headed as anyone she's met in her life and instead of maintaining the peace inside the police department, Karina chose trouble.

Hyejoo who was also just like Karina, started swinging the bat which made Sooyoung smirk.

"And of course you'd stick around your friends. A drug addict, a pathetic loser and a bitch who was deceived by some little act of kindness. It really is true that birds with the same feather flock together."

It wouldn't be a surprise that Karina knew all of this because judging by the fact that a figure's voice echoed throughout the entire place, she must've heard everything.

Jungeun felt sick when she heard those words come out of her lover's mouth, she felt her stomach sinking like the Titanic ship. She went overboard with her insults.

Too tired to even give it much thought, Sooyoung only rolled her eyes at Karina's miserable way of insulting the three of them. "Oh come on, that's all you can do? So if I'm a bitch who was deceived by a little act of kindness then what are you? A homewrecker?"

She spat out, her hands stopping Hyejoo from standing up because if she let the redhead have her way then maybe it's not only Jiwoo who'll end up in jail.

The blonde felt Jungeun's angry eyes on her and in that moment, she remembered everything that happened that night. That night of the party.

Of course she wasn't hallucinating when she saw Karina and Jungeun kiss.

Running outside with her phone on her left ear, Jinsoul let out a deep breath due to exhaustion before speaking to whoever was on the phone.

"Miss Jung Jinsoul, are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for that. I'm at a birthday celebration and it's a bit noisy here so I ran outside. I'm sorry you had to hear me breath." The other one chuckled before proceeding on telling her to what the good news was.

"Miss Jung Jinsoul, you have been personally suggested to us by one of our employees. She has seen the way you write your articles and I've also read a lot of them. I think they're good. Keep it up!"

Jinsoul felt euphoric upon hearing all those words. She wouldn't usually get a compliment with her work and if she did, her ears would go red and she would enter in a flattered state.

Her mouth opened to say thank you but it closed when she saw two familiar faces, walking beside each other with each other's hands intertwined.

And the next thing that happened was both of them kissing. She focused on them, her ears forgetting that she was talking to someone on the phone and when she noticed that she must've mistaken a couple making out as Karina and Jungeun her focus on them went to another two figure that looked exactly like Karina and Jungeun.


In a matter of seconds, Jinsoul looked away hastily, refusing to believe that it was Karina and Jungeun, refusing to believe that Jungeun would ever kiss Karina.

But the moment she saw Sooyoung's eyes move from the two to her, she knew she wasn't hallucinating all of it. She knew and she did see Karina kiss Jungeun and Jungeun didn't even do anything about it.

Even when the heard anchor of Amsterdam News told her that she was accepted to work with them, Jinsoul felt dreadful. She tried to distract herself from the thought of Jungeun enjoying Karina's lips on hers. She tried to think about the new opportunity at Amsterdam but no matter how hard she tried, the memory kept on coming back.

And it would hurt even more than the last time.

"What the fuck are you saying, Sooyoung?" Jinsoul who just got off from walking on memory lane, remembered that she was in the police department with her friends and her ex-lover.

Sooyoung shrugged at Jungeun's question, "Maybe if you tried to back off from kissing Karina's lips that night then maybe Jinsoul wouldn't have treated you badly before leaving to Amsterdam."

Karina's eyes grew wide, Jungeun bit her lip and Hyejoo who also saw everything that night didn't even act out all surprised when Sooyoung said those words.

How the hell does Hyejoo know everything?

Jinsoul who kept on fiddling with her fingers and trying so hard to not meet Jungeun's eyes, felt everyone's stare on her. As if they were waiting for her to say anything about it but Jinsoul didn't want to.

"Karina's an asshole, that's right."

A high pitched voice joined in the conversation. A voice that sent chills down to Sooyoung's entire body who wasn't prepared to hear her. A voice that Hyejoo wanted to silence. A voice that Karina and Jungeun didn't even want to hear at this point and the voice Jinsoul has been waiting to hear.

"Sorry if it took long for me to interfere. I was enjoying the story time."

Chuckling like an insane person, Jiwoo sat on the chair provided for her, both legs and arms crossed her aura totally different from the last view Jinsoul had seen of her years ago.

"So? Who's first?"

Chaos started to emerge from each corner of the room and despite of everyone minding their business, someone's pair of eyes never left a certain figure.

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