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"Would you like to go out after work?" Jinsoul asks to herself in front of the mirror. She's been doing this since lunch break and she doesn't even know why but she's doing it because she's a coward to directly ask Jungeun to go out on a date. It's confusing but she doesn't care. All she needs is liquid luck to probably not be scared to ask the blonde out.

They've been flirting with each other, going to each other's places, cooking and many more but they've never gone out on an official date. Jinsoul and Jungeun might have been spending too much time with each other but they never went out on a date.

And Jinsoul thinks tonight would be the right time to do it but she can't even get to call Jungeun to ask her out because she's too busy practicing her lines and being scared to actually ask her out.

Jinsoul let out a sigh, went out of the bathroom and tried doing work again. She tried her best to not look distracted but miserably failed when she felt the need to go back to the bathroom and try shit again.

She tried to distract herself by scanning her eyes around the area and there, she mentally noted few observations she has made like Sooyoung would often look at Jiwoo while Jiwoo was busy doing something, like Raiko would often talk to Alec even when he won't pay attention to him.

It looks like everyone was in love with each other but either was too oblivious or too dense even to notice what was going on.

It would be different if only Yerim was there she wouldn't feel that lonely seeing these other undeveloped couples. Yerim and Yeojin didn't work with each other just like her and Jungeun. If Jungeun wasn't moved back to the other branch then she wouldn't have much of a hard time asking her out.

With another defeated sigh that defined the word frustration, Jinsoul got her phone out of the pocket and ran back to the bathroom. Everyone was too busy doing what they had to do to even notice that the blue hair went out of her swivel chair once again.

In the bathroom, Jinsoul was panicking. She was fucking nervous but with a deep breath, she gathered up all the courage left in her and pressed Jungeun's number. She anticipated for the blonde to pick it up and she did.

"Hey pretty blue haired woman, why did you call?" Those words brought a smile to Jinsoul's lips. It has been Jungeun's nickname for her and even though it's a bit long, Jungeun would always call her that. "Hey annoying blonde."

Jungeun let out a laugh and to Jinsoul it was a melodious sound she'd never get tired listening to. Jungeun being happy is all Jinsoul ever wanted. As long as she's happy, she was happy as well.

"Why are you calling me huh?" Jungeun asked, curiosity filling up her tone and Jinsoul went back into a panic mode when she remembered why she called the blonde in the first place and she took a deep breath, a really loud one that Jungeun might've heard.

She was curious with what's going on with Jinsoul but she didn't ask any questions and let Jinsoul do her thing while she waited for her to say something as she and Haseul glare at each other jokingly after Haseul playfully slapped her left arm.

"Wouldyouliketogooutonadatewithmeafterwork?" Jinsoul stated in a fast motion which made Jungeun laugh quietly. She knew what the older was trying to say but she wanted to hear it again, more slowly. "Huh? What did you just say, Jinsoul?" She asked, trying her best to not giggle.

She heard Jinsoul take another deep breath and she couldn't help but mumble adorable under her breath, wishing to all the stars that Jinsoul didn't hear and thankfully, she didn't.

"Kim Jungeun," Jinsoul starts and gulps down. She stares at the mirror in front of her and notices the beads of sweat she has on her forehead. Jung Jinsoul, a living fuss.

"Hmmm?" Jungeun replies, anticipating for Jinsoul's next words.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me tonight?" Jinsoul finally manages to blurt those words out, her chest feeling a little lighter because she actually asked Jungeun out.

"Sure, Pretty blue-haired woman." A smile crept up to Jinsoul's lips, it was like a smile you'd see on someone if they ever won the lottery. She didn't win the lottery today but she felt like she did when Jungeun agreed to go out with her.

"I'll pick you up later?" The older asks and Jungeun raises a brow, "Where are you taking me, miss Jung?"

"To a place where we only know."

Stargazing while laying on the grass with a comforting silence that surrounds both of them defined the words a nice date to Jungeun.

When Jungeun was over with her shift, she saw Jinsoul outside of the establishment with a bouquet on her hands. She greeted her with a smile and Jinsoul kissed her on her forehead.

With the scene that they made outside, a lot of bystanders and co-employees saw them being all lovey-dovey. They teased them which made both Jinsoul and Jungeun flustered but couldn't contain their smiles. Everyone acknowledges that they have a thing.

When will they?

A poke on her face made Jungeun snap back to reality and she turned to look at Jinsoul who was staring at her. They were laying next to each other on the green grass and stargazing. Right after they ate at this fancy restaurant, Jinsoul drove to this place.

It was where she'd usually spend her night after a long tiring day at work. Not many knew about this place and she often stayed here to get some fresh air and think about stuff. This is where she'd stay whenever she wanted peace.

And this is where she brought Jungeun after their first date because like this place, Jungeun brought her comfort.

"Hey," Jungeun spoke while she nestled her head on Jinsoul's body. "You smell nice." The blonde added while cuddling Jinsoul. "Thanks, Eun."

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Jungeun went on top of her and kissed the tip of her nose while Jinsoul just laid there, taken aback with what just happened but smiled at Jungeun.

"I like you, Jinsoul." Jungeun muttered while she gave her a peck on her lips and Jinsoul held her waist for support. Jinsoul was blushing mess by the way.

"I like the way you make me smile." She leaned in once again and kissed Jinsoul's lips, long and passionately. Jinsoul kissed her back. "I like you too, Jungeun."

Jinsoul broke the kiss to catch some air and stared at Jungeun, memorizing each feature she has. "Jungeun, you're pretty."

"Thanks. I know right." Jungeun said with a chuckle and Jinsoul rolled her eyes at her. "I shouldn't have said that, now you're going to brag about it."

"Why wouldn't I brag about it? The one and only Jung Jinsoul called me pretty. Wouldn't that be flattering to hear?" Jungeun teased.

"Shut up. You're acting as if I'm some celebrity." The blonde laughed at her and kinda shrugged before saying, "I've heard thousands of compliments but nothing really sticks out like yours. You always make me feel like I'm actually someone worthy."

"You're in love with me, Jungeun. Don't even try on denying it." Jinsoul teased, making silly faced towards Jungeun and the blonde grinned.

"So what if I am?"

Jungeun leaned in closer to Jinsoul, "So what if I'm in love with you, Jung Jinsoul?" She cupped her face and claimed her lips. Jinsoul was there, dumbfounded but loving the sweet taste of Jungeun's lips on hers.

The blonde pulled away but Jinsoul grabbed her and it was her turn to kiss the blonde. "Then be in love with me, Jungeun. Be with me." She kissed her softly, not wanting to let go at all but she had to when she felt that they needed to catch some air.

"We've been kissing since earlier. Do you want to leave a hickey on me or something?" Jungeun teases once again while Jinsoul panted. "You're born to annoy me, aren't you?"

Both of them share a loud laughter before it went silent once again. They once laid on the soft grass and went back stargazing while their hands intertwined with each other.

"I like you, Jinsoul." Jungeun whispered silently but just enough for Jinsoul to hear. "I like you too, pretty annoying blonde."

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