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trigger warning : illegal crimes

With another loud sigh, she sat down and could only type aggressively on her desktop computer. She was rarely seen as someone who lets out her anger because that was never her thing but sometimes bottling it in would bring you no good.

Who wouldn't get angry at the fact that her ex boyfriend literally had the audacity to show his face up in her apartment last night? Who wouldn't get angry over the fact that she was ghosted by this person she was talking to last night?

Jungeun could only sigh. It was early in the morning yet her anger is already filling everything in her. If she'd pound her computer really hard, she might dismember it into pieces. She tried to calm herself down. She tried thinking about something that would make her feel at peace.

Music? Books? That woman in the restaurant?



The vision of that woman with her navy blue hair entered Jungeun's mind without any warning and the blonde freaked out. A stranger is calming her down. A very intimidating yet beautiful stranger.

She could still vividly remember how she glared at their table last night. Jungeun didn't have the intention to be rude to them, it was just that she didn't know what to do with her bottled anger that she glared at them.

Of course she knew someone would stare back and she wasn't anticipating for that someone to smile at her. Who would even dare smile at her with the kind of stare she had in her eyes last night?

Jungeun's train of thoughts got ruined when someone spoke beside her, "Hag," If this was any other person they would probably jump in surprise but Jungeun has been used to this. Jungeun has been used to her best friend jumping out of nowhere.

"Senseless fucker," the other one laughed at Jungeun's statement. "How was your date last night?" She asked. Jungeun pulled her swivel chair away from the silver-haired and started typing on her computer again.

Of course, Haseul wouldn't stop bothering her unless she got the answers. And of course, Jungeun would tell her because she's the only friend Jungeun has in this company, she's the only friend she's ever gotten in general.

"Ghosted me," Jungeun started, "And then shit went crazy when Felix showed up." She finished. She felt Haseul giving her sympathetic stares at she smiled. "I'm fine, really."

"Okay people don't type so aggressive on their computers and most importantly okay people wouldn't forget to eat their favorite food. You forgot to eat chocolate today." Haseul responded. The thing about Jungeun is that she has a sweet tooth. She likes food that are coated with saccharine.

And somehow, Haseul was right.

Jungeun let go of her keyboard and let out a sigh once again. "Why am I so unlucky with love?" She asked Haseul and within seconds after saying that, a pair of arms were wrapped around her. "The right one will come. Love is sometimes unexpected. It can be someone you've known for years or someone you've known for seconds."

Or it can be someone who you met on a restaurant.

Pretty navy blue haired woman, who are you and why are you having this effect on me?

Unbelievable. Jungeun thought to herself when she heard what Mrs. Ragsdill just said.

She worked at one of New York Times' branches. They were always the one who gets the compliment and oftentimes, the first place. But today, suddenly the other branch was the first place. And that branch was furious as to why they were first place.

Jungeun thought it was weird. But maybe there was something in that branch that they didn't want the public to know so that's why they hated the attention. That's her theory about it. However she doesn't really care about why they were angry what bothered her most was Mrs. Ragsdill's last statement.

Someone had to go there to make an observation as to why they were first place. Jungeun knew to herself that this won't be much of an issue if the other branch was just happy with the news they got.

And to make matters worse for her, she and three more girls were chosen as the ones to observe there. Her, Haseul, Yeji and Karina.

"What are we supposed to do there?" Yeji asks, clearly as flabbergasted as Jungeun with sudden announcement. They were inside Mrs. Ragsdill's office. "Your job would be looking out for them."

"You're acting like they did something illegal and we should investigate them." A chuckle escaped from Karina's lips after saying that. All of them laughed yet Mrs. Ragsdill still had her serious face.

Mrs. Ragsdill opened her cabinet and pulled something out of it. To Jungeun, appeared like a folder filled with lots and lots of papers. It was like if you got the entire encyclopedia in it. "I thought we were just publishing shit? What the fuck is that?"

"Language, Jungeun." The blonde scoffed. "This is all the compiled files that we have gathered about that specific branch. For a long time now, they have been doing things that they shouldn't do."

"And what are those things?" Haseul asked.

"Drugs, human trafficking and a lot more." Everyone let out a gasp. "How can you be so sure that it's true?" Jungeun asks and everyone inside the room nodded. Right, how?

The older lady stared into their eyes as if she was locking her soul with them. "We aren't." She timidly replied. "The head managers wanted to make sure to gather more evidence that would prove that these allegations are true.

The plan is to put them on spotlight and watch their every move. Of course we wouldn't be able to do that if no one will watch them, right?  Before you ask any more questions, the four of you were chosen because you're the best that we have.

Especially you, Jungeun."

Jungeun felt a disarray of emotions yet anger was leading it. She was filled with rage. She has never been more pissed off that she was right. Fuck, she was right.

"And what benefits are we going to get from this huh? Don't you see? You're placing all of us in danger!" Jungeun exclaimed and she felt Haseul's hands on her and instead of comfort that she'd usually emit, Jungeun felt more raging anger.

"This is bullshit."

"We'll help Jiwoo if you'll do this."

Those words kept echoing through Jungeun's head and her anger left. It was replaced by a quick feeling of relief yet anxiousness looms around it. "Alright, I'm in."

Yeji patted her on the back and Karina sent her comforting stares while Haseul just looked down. Jungeun felt it'd be much better to agree with whatever the universe wants her to do because that's what she's best at.

Apparently, the universe decided to fuck with her ever since yesterday. The only thing that was giving her comfort at this moment was that navy blue haired woman's smile and of course, Kim Jiwoo.

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