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trigger warning : cheating

Being best friends for years, of course Hyejoo had known how impulsive Jinsoul can be. Of course she was aware of the decisions Jinsoul had made over the years that she shouldn't have done.

Of course Son Hyejoo had known how impulsive Jung Jinsoul can get but how come she never knew that the blonde could get as impulsive as she can?

Who would ever knock at your door at 3 in the morning with a baggage and swollen eyes? Who would greet you with sudden words that goes along the lines of "Hyejoo, can I stay here? I just impulsively booked a flight back to New York and I don't know where I can stay."

Hyejoo, in her pajamas, confused as why on earth Jung Jinsoul was in front of her door asks, "What the fuck, Jinsoul? What the hell are you doing here?"

Voice still sounding a bit sleepy, Hyejoo spats out that question. How on earth is Jinsoul here if she was just in Amsterdam hours ago?

Hyejoo waited for a response to come out from the blonde's mouth with her eyebrows raised and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. She watched as how Jinsoul's shoulders deflated and the next thing she knew, Jinsoul was on her knees, crying her heart out.

Hyejoo quickly went on her knees as well and without asking any questions, she hugged Jinsoul. She has never seen Jinsoul this vulnerable in three years. "It hurts so much," Jinsoul managed to say between her sobs and sniffs.

"I know." The red haired murmured while rubbing the older's back soothingly. "It's Jungeun isn't it?" She added and Jinsoul nodded. "How did you know?"

"Jiwoo accidentally told me about it. She didn't plan on hiding it, they had no plans of hiding the fact that Jungeun and Karina was flying to Amsterdam for some vacation but she also didn't have any plans on saying where on earth they were."

For a moment, Jinsoul's world paused as her eyes slowly turned to Hyejoo who was comforting her with her soothing rubs on the blonde's back. "You knew?" Jinsoul was out of breath, she has been crying for atleast more than one hour now and it was exhausting.

It was exhausting to reach her house and cry, it was exhausting to impulsively book a flight to New York at 7 in the evening, it was exhausting to file for a leave for days, everything was exhausting to Jinsoul and her heart, her heart was fucking heavy and no matter how many tears Jinsoul cried out, the pain she beared on her chest didn't seem to get lighter.

"I'm sorry," Hyejoo stated as she stopped rubbing Jinsoul's back and sat on the floor. "I didn't know how to tell you and I figured out it would be nicer if you found it yourself."

Jinsoul smiled, a bitter one. "Why are you apologizing and explaining yourself huh? It's alright, Hyejoo. Everything's my fault after all."

The two of them fell in silence not until Hyejoo decided to speak,

"I feel that kind of pain too, unnie." She lets out a breathy laugh, a forced one and Jinsoul stayed quiet, eyeing Hyejoo who was about to tell her the worst heartbreak she has ever had in her life.

Jinsoul's ears shot up when she heard Hyejoo call her unnie. She rarely calls her by formalities. When she calls her by formalities then Hyejoo's in deep, too deep.

"Chaewon and I dated. We dated for years until last month. We never really became official but to me, she was my one & only." Jinsoul bit her tongue, stopping herself from asking Hyejoo questions because the younger might feel pressured and she didn't want that.

Hyejoo bit her lip, she was trembling and was having a hard time containing herself and that's when Jinsoul knew she had to interfere with Hyejoo's emotions. She closed the gap between the two of them and pulled her into a tight hug while Hyejoo started to sob.

"Sooyoung-unnie is the only one lucky when it comes to love, isn't she?" Hyejoo laughs, a genuine one that mixed with Jinsoul's light chuckle. The blonde was about to say something in return when a voice interrupted the two of them,

"Maybe not that lucky."

A voice that made both the two of them jump in fear.

"The fuck Sooyoung? What are you doing here?" Jinsoul notices something in Sooyoung's hands. It was a figure of a wine bottle.

"I should be the one asking you that,you dipshit." Sooyoung says while she looks at Jinsoul, trying to not get emotional that her best friend was here.

"You got really bad timing, idiot. Hyejoo wasn't even done telling me her story when you entered the scene!" Jinsoul whines jokingly while Hyejoo only rolls her eyes at the older's foolishness.

Jinsoul's laugh died down and Hyejoo's concerned look started to appear once again on her face and Sooyoung's grip on the bottle of wine turned tighter.

"Jiwoo's cheating on me,"

The red haired let out a loud gasp, if this was any other day then Jinsoul would have smacked her for being overdramatic but no, this wasn't like any other day. Jinsoul just found out about Karina and Jungeun, Hyejoo is still mourning her heart out for Chaewon while Sooyoung, she's been cheated on.

Love doesn't stick around well to them.

"How did you know?" Jinsoul could tell that Sooyoung was in anger. She was angry yet at the same time she was in pain. Hyejoo guessed that maybe Sooyoung is blaming herself for everything that happened.

"I thought I knew Jiwoo better but fuck no, I saw her with a woman, they were kissing and when I confronted her about it, she said that there was nothing going on between the two of them! I thought I was just hallucinating about it but then when I went home from work earlier, I saw her there with that woman, fucking naked on fucking on our bed."

Sooyoung broke down to tears, her heart was clenching with every thought. She was drowning in sadness tonight and it hurts terribly. It hurts her so much.

Where did it all go wrong?

"Sooyoung, calm down." The blonde spoke, sternly. "I'm going to kill Jiwoo."

Hyejoo accidentally bursted out laughing which made the two of them turn their heads towards her direction. Hyejoo couldn't stop laughing herself and seconds later, Jinsoul joined in.

"You two are fucking idiots," Sooyoung said, flabbergasted with how the two acted and of course, she joined them laughing as well.

"Let's just drink our heartaches tonight."

And so they did, the three of them did drown their heartaches with alcohol. It was the only way to numb the pain they were feeling. Atleast for now, they were reminded that against all odds, they had each other.

And that's what matters.

For now.

Because as the sun slowly started to rise up in the horizon, it made them feel like maybe after all of this chaos, maybe there was still a little hope. Maybe there was still love around somewhere and maybe they just had to let it go so it wouldn't hurt them anymore.

Hyejoo laid down on the floor so did Jinsoul and Sooyoung. They moved closer to her and cuddles. As long as they had each other, maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad.

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