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She stared at her in aghast, clearly bewildered by how pale she looked like and with how weak she was moving. Rather than staring at her in horror, she was staring at her with full concern in her eyes. The blonde could feel her stares and she coughed awkwardly to let her know that she knows she's staring at her.

Jinsoul who was taken aback by the coughs and tried to focus on her paperwork but failed because her concern for Jungeun was topping it all. She couldn't do anything but think about Jungeun's health.

"What's with the glances, Jung? Do you have a crush on me?" The blonde stated and people erupted into a loud laughter. Including Sooyoung and Yerim meanwhile someone just stared at them from a far.

If Jinsoul was taken aback earlier now she was flustered and startled. Even though Jungeun was a bit sick she still has her flirty skills with her and Jinsoul couldn't help but turn red.

The younger stared at the blue-haired woman and giggled when she saw how red her cheeks were. "You do have a crush on me, Jinsoul. Don't worry. Maybe I like you too." She said with a wink and that's when Jinsoul felt her heart jump in happiness.

Whenever she was talking with Jungeun, she felt really weird. She would smile, her heart would beat rapidly, she'd get flustered and Jungeun would tease her. Is this what it feels like to have a crush on someone?

Does she really have a crush on her?

She mentally shook her head and when she stared back at Jungeun, the younger still looked sick and pale. "It rained yesterday, were you running under the rain?" She asked her though she was sure she didn't hear it because it came out as a whisper.

"Jinsoul, you're staring." Jungeun said and sent a warm smile to the older. "Do you have something to say?" She asked. Jungeun has been sensing that there was something up with Jinsoul.

Whenever she stared at Jinsoul's eyes, there was a hint of concern and worry in it which she wouldn't normally see in her hazel eyes each time they'd stare at each other. She figured out that there was something bothering and to make her feel comfortable about it, she teased Jinsoul. Just like how she'd always do.

But maybe she got it all wrong because even after she teased Jinsoul and all, she was still silent. When she had a chance to ask her about it, she grabbed it and there they were in the other branch of New York Times staring at each other while their officemates were working.

Little did they know that there was someone staring at them from afar with her heart slowly falling into pieces.

"You look pale. Are you sick?" Jinsoul finally blurted out and for some reason this made Jungeun smile. The thought of Jinsoul being concerned about her made her lips form into a small smile.

"I'm not. It's just a little cold. Thanks for the concern." She said but it was a lie. It wasn't just a simple cold, she was having a fever but she didn't want to go home since she's aware she'll be alone in her house. It was boring when she was sick.

Jungeun was about to say something else when Haseul retorted, "She's lying, Jinsoul. She has a fever." A death glare is what Haseul received as a thank you from Jungeun. She smiled back at her and mouthed 'you're welcome'.

The blonde rolled her eyes and was about to say that she was okay when Karina and Yeji told Jinsoul as well that she was sick. She wished deep down that she shouldn't have told them she was sensing a fever.

Without any more word uttered from Jungeun, she gave them stares that would have killed them if looks could be murderers. They did the same thing as Haseul and the next thing Jungeun knew she was already in Jinsoul's car.

It happened fast. She was glaring at them and they were smiling at her and later on she mirrored their expressions. Jinsoul left her desk and went to their manager's office to excuse Jungeun for the day. Jungeun didn't notice this because she was busy in making an article about politics.

Minutes after asking to excuse Jungeun, Jinsoul had to drag her in her car to drive her home so she could rest. Jungeun resisted reasoning out that she was fine but with how weak her body was, her strength wasn't enough to math Jinsoul's tight grip on her wrist.

And then they were now here in Jinsoul's car, Jungeun feeling top dizzy to even talk to Jinsoul while the radio played comforting music. If Jinsoul didn't make her rest then she would have never realized how sick she was.

If Jinsoul didn't worry about her then something worse would've happened. She mentally thanked Jinsoul in her head but her mind was urging her to thank her out loud.

Jungeun cleared her throat and looked at Jinsoul who was driving. She was singing along to the song that was playing on the radio and Jungeun found it adorable. Yes, adorable.

"Hey," she said and caught Jinsoul's attention. The blue haired woman hummed in response and Jungeun continued with her words, "Thank you." They were only two words yet to Jinsoul it made her feel like she was on euphoria. It felt like as if she was on cloud 9.

"You're welcome." That was all she could say. The silence reigning in the car was comforting to both of them and neither of them wanted that to end yet sometimes Jungeun was just born evil.

"We're alone here in your car right now, Jinsoul. If you have a crush on me, you can tell me." She said in a teasing manner and stared at Jinsoul who wasn't fazed at all. Her eyes were on the road and she had a smirk on her face.

"I do have something to tell you."

Jungeun blinked once, twice, thrice. She didn't know why but her heart started to beat faster than it normally would. What was happening to her but her train of thoughts were interrupted when Jinsoul teased her.

"I was supposed to ask for your address. Why are you staring at me that way huh? You're expecting for me to tell you that I like you don't you?" She asked with a giggle and Jungeun playfully hit her. "Yeah. I was expecting that and I would've told you I liked you too."

Jinsoul knew she was teasing but deep down she wished it was true.

The blue haired woman mentally facepalmed with the thought and just continued on driving while Jungeun joyfully told her where she lives. During the rest of the ride towards Jungeun's address, the two were talking like they were old friends. Maybe being sick isn't so bad especially when you have someone to accompany you.

When it was already 7 in the evening, their officemates left the establishment and so did Jiwoo. The sight of Jungeun being taken care of someone else shattered her heart because she could've done it herself.

She could've been the one to excuse Jungeun and they could've had a fun bonding time but she knew deep down that Jinsoul would take better care of her so she let it hurt.

You know what they say, let it hurt until it doesn't.

Jiwoo was about to leave their building when she heard someone call her name and saw an attractive woman whom she knows as Ha Sooyoung. That night was painful for Jiwoo but it was Sooyoung who kissed her worries away.

To let go of Jungeun is to let go of the past and to let go of the past meant to move forward and that's what she did that night. She decided to accept that it was finally over because as she looked at Sooyoung who slept next to her naked and a bit vulnerable, she knew she was ready to love again.

Even if meant another heartbreak.

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