Normal Day (1)

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~The Time Set Is 19th Century (Around the 1800)~

You woke up in your queen sized bed. "Good Morning My Lady." You fluttered open your eyes to see the butler of the house. Claude Faustus. He opened your curtains and you felt the rays of the sun on your face. You were to tired to fight. You almost tried to go back to sleep when you heard Claude's voice. "My Lady, You can not go back to sleep. You must get up. It is time to wake up for the day." You groaned and sat up in your bed. He had a tray with tea on it. He handed you a teacup filled with your favorite kind of tea. Earl Grey. You sipped on it while Claude talk to you. "How did you sleep My Lady?" He was always so kind to you and you never knew why. "It was okay. I slept well." That was a lie. You barely get any sleep now and it really has taken an effect on you. You finished your tea and he took your cup. "Get dressed now and come downstairs to the dinning room." He took the cart and walked out of your room. You stood up out of your bed and started stretching. You went to your closet and picked out your (F/c) dress with a corset to put underneath. You grabbed black tights and went to your bathroom. You got dressed and put your shoes on and headed downstairs.

You were walking downstairs until you heard your brother. "Y/N!!!!!" You turned around to see Alois. You and Alois were twins except the both of you were completely different from each other. You had (Your color) hair and he had blonde. You had (Your color) eyes and he had bright blue eyes. The both of you had different looks and you also had different personality's. The only thing you both had in common was the both of you were rich. Although the both of you got along great. You guys were each other's best friend. "Oh, Hi Alois!!!" You smiled. "Carry me." You sighed and put him on your back and ran down the stairs. You laughed while he was screaming and laughing. The both of you reached the dining room and you put him down. You walked to your sit and Alois sat across from you. Claude came out with two sliver plates and placed them in front of you and Alois. "Today we will be having scrambled eggs with a cup of fruit on the side and a piece of toast," He then sat a teacup in front of the both of you, "For to drink we will be having Lemon tea." He poured the tea into your cup then into Alois's cup. You started eating your food and as always Claude feeds Alois like a little baby.

You finished your breakfast and Claude took your plate and your teacup. You excused yourself from the table and went to go to the garden. You started walking around and you saw the triplets. You waved hi to them and continued walking. You saw Hannah. She was your favorite out of everyone. She was your best friend other than Alois. You ran up to her and hugged her from behind. She jolted a little bit and turned around to see you. "Oh, hello my lady." She said in a calm tone. You looked up, "Hello Hannah!" You looked at her and notice she was wearing an eyepatch. "Did my bother do that?" She looked away. "I'll talk to him! I promise!" She looked at you and smiled. The both of you walked around the garden talking about how your bother can be an ass and how you plan on spending your day. "I should get going my lady. I'll talk to you later I promise." As always, She says it a calm tone. "Okay! Bye Hannah!" She smiled and walked away. You decided to head back to the manor to see if your brother caused any damage.

You walked in and your brother ran up to and jumped on you. "WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BALL!!!!!!!" You put him down and looked at him. "What's the special occasion?" I asked. "I feel like having one," Of course he does, "Guess who we are going to invite!" You raised an eyebrow. "The Phantomhive Manor!!!!" You looked at him confused for a second then started to say something, "Alois, This isn't some revenge type you have against the Phantomhive family is it?" "Of course it is!!! Come on Y/n they killed our little brother." It was silent for a second. You were pretty pissed when you found out their butler had killed your little brother. "All right. That's reasonable." He smiled at you and grabbed your hand. "Come now, I'm bored so we are going to play a game." "Of course we are" I thought. We went up to the living space and started to play Chess. Obviously Alois got done with it fast since he kept losing.

It was 8:30pm and you were taking a bath. While you were washing yourself you could feel someone watching you. Obviously there was no windows and the door was not cracked or opened. You shrugged it off and continued washing yourself.

You got out and put on your (F/c) nightgown and brushed out your hair. You brushed your teeth and got into bed. You were reading a book before you went to bed. As you were reading Claude came in. "Hello My lady. I'm afraid that it is time to go to bed at the moment." You put your book on your nightstand and laid down. Claude tucked you in and closed your curtains. "Good night My lady. I hope you sleep well." He exited out of your room. You turned over to the side and closed your eyes. While you were trying to fall asleep you felt someone watching you. You sat up in your bed and looked all over your room. You didn't see anything so you laid back in bed and closed your eyes and fell asleep.

—————————————————————————————————————————————Hiiii, I hope you guys enjoyed this. It will be a lot better than my last Fanfic I wrote. This one (Hopefully) will be better. Anyways, Have a Great Day/Night! <3
Word Count:1065

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