The Ball (2)

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It was February 12th 1888. The day of the ball. Hannah was helping you get ready. "My lady, May I put your corset on for you?" "Yes, you may! And you may call me by my first name!" You said with a smile. "Yes, Of course." She bowed. She put your corset around your stomach and pulled the strings. You couldn't breath, but that was the whole point on wearing a corset. "H-Hannah..." She finally stopped. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She said in a worried tone. "I-It's fine... That's the point in wearing a corset." You said as you giggled. "Yes, I guess your right." Hannah giggled with you. "All right. Now, I am going to finish getting ready. May you help the people around?" "Yes, Of course." She bowed and walked away. You went to your closet and picked out (Your Favorite Color) Dress. You went to your bathroom and combed out your hair. You put on boots that matched your dress. You walked out of your room and headed down to the ball room.

It was time. Everyone was here. Some you didn't know and some you did. You noticed that the Phantomhive Family hasn't arrived yet. Well, You wouldn't call it a family because the son's parents died in a fire. Although, You were kinda excited to meet them. Alois ran up to you and jumped on you. "Y/N THEIR HERE!!!!!!!!" You put him down and looked at him confused. "Who is here?" He looked at you like you were an idoit. "Duhhhh, THE PHANTOMHIVE MANOR IS HERE!!!!!!!" "Oh right." You thought. He grabbed your hand and dragged you outside to greet them. You stood there waiting for them to come out. Claude was standing next to you. You didn't notice but he was looking at you. You finally looked up at him and he looked away. You felt akward.

Finally, The butler of the house hold stepped out and held the door open. You saw the young boy walk out. Ciel Phantomhive. He looked up at the both of you and Alois. Before he could say anything Alois ran up to him and jumped on him. "You came!" Ciel pushed him off and scoffed. You pulled your brother by the collar of his shirt. "My apolgies. My brother is just very excited. Hi, I'm Y/n!" You smiled at him and held your hand out. He shook your hand. "Ciel Phantomhive." "Lovely Name! What is your butler's name if I may ask?" You looked at him. He looked a little bit like Claude. Except his hair was different and he didn't wear glasses. He held his hand out. "Sebastian Micaelis, My Lady." You shook his hand and smiled. Claude was staring the whole time and he was jelous. Very jelous. "Well, Let's not just stand here. Let's go Dance!" Alois grabbed your hand and dragged you back inside. Ciel followed along as for Sebastian and Claude they stayed behind for a little bit. 

You were standing up against a wall with a drink in your hand. You stayed behind because you didn't want to ruin your brothers fun. Sebastian walked up to and standed next to you. "My Lady, Why are you just standing here? You should be dancing like the others." He said in a very sincer tone. "Oh, I'm just don't want to ruin my brothers fun. That's all!" You smiled at him. He stood in front of you and took his hand and held it out to you. "Well, My Lady, Would you like to dance with me?" Before you could answer, Claude came and took your hand. "Actullay, We were about to dance. Am I right My Lady?" You looked confused, But played along with it. "Yes, My Good Sir." He took you on the ball floor. He placed his hands on your waist and you put your hands around his neck. "What was that about?" You asked him. "Well, My Lady, I can't just let you dance with a stranger. My duty is to protect you in any case possible." You felt like there was more to it but you just ignored it and kept dancing on until the song was over.

You walked out of the Trancy Manor to get some fresh air. You were walking in the garden until you felt someone behind you. You turned around to be faced with Ciel. "Oh, Ciel you scared me!" You chuckled and put your hand behind your head. "Yes, I'm very sorry about that." It was slient for a little bit. "So, What are you doing out here?" Ciel asked you. "Oh, I'm just getting some fresh air. What about you?" "I just got bored and came out here." The both of you were slient again. "Do you want to join me?" You asked, Hoping to break the tension here. "That would be lovely." The both of you started walking around the garden talking about what happens in your life and sometimes there would be small giggles. You felt like you were being watch. You turned around and saw nothing. "Is everything all right?" Ciel asked you, He sounded worried. "Yes. Everything is fine." The both of you started walking again. Little did you know Claude was hiding behind a bush and followed you everywhere and he got pissed about how you were laughing with Ciel.

(Word Count: 898)

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