The Day (21)

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A/N: I am going to skip to the wedding day only because I can't come up with any other ideas for the two days you had with him. Thank you for bearing with me <33

You woke up to the sun rays pressing on your face. You grunted a little bit. You slowly fluttered open your eyes and saw Claude right there standing next to you. He smiled softly at you. "Good morning, My lady." You sat up and he handed your tea. Earl Grey. You took small sips as he kept talking to you. "Are you excited for our wedding?" You nodded and smiled. "Yes! I'm really excited!" He gave you a soft smile. "I'm glad. I will take your tea now and get ready into some normal clothes on. Hannah will take you where we will get married and you can change there." You smiled. "All right!" He took your tea and gave you a small kiss on your forehead. He exited the room and you sat up to get ready. 

You and Hannah were sitting in the carriage heading to the place. You looked out the window, admiring the beauty outside. "So, My lady, How are you feeling?" Hannah asked. You looked over to her and smiled. "I feel all right! I have a good feeling about this!" She gave you a small smile. "I'm glad you are. I would like to talk to you about something though." You gave her a questioning look. Hannah cleared her throat, "So, I have delivered the letter to Ciel, When I told him what is was about he didn't seem to pleased." You slumped down in your seat and started picking at your fingers. "But, He said he would go and he said that he wants to talk to you after the wedding." You looked back and smiled. "All right. Thank you for telling me Hannah." She smiled. "You're welcome My lady." 

The carriage arrived at a church. You were very confused because Claude and Hannah were demons and you guys are getting married at a church. You didn't put much thought into it because you felt like Claude did this because this was the only place you guys could get married. You stepped out and started to walk to the building with Hannah behind you. You entered the church doors and your eyes went big. It was so big and beautiful. Glass windows, White porcelain walls and dark wood floors leading to the alter. You smiled like a little kid. You ran around it for bit like a little kid would. "Whoa! This is so cool! Look at it Hannah!!" She giggled at you childish act that you are making. "Yes, Y/n. I see it. It's super pretty." You giggled. "Come on, Let's go back to get you changed into your wedding dress." You smiled at her. "Okay!" The two of you walked into the back to get changed.

You are in the back of the room as you have your dress on with your veil on the top of your head. You smile big in the mirror. "I think I look good!" You said in a sweet tone. "Of course you do, My Lady." You smiled at her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for being there for me." You whispered into her dress. She hugged your back. "Of course My lady. I'm going to help decorate the place. I'll be back later." You pulled back and smiled. She smiled and went out of the room. You looked back in the mirror spinning around and giggling to yourself. You kept spinning when you saw something in the mirror. You stopped spinning around and looked closely. You saw a blond headed boy, wearing a maroon outfit with a black bow and a white shirt with a green vest in front. He was wearing black shorts as well with tall dark, Almost black, boots. "No, It can't be.." You turned around to see Alois Trancy. You froze in place. You could feel tears almost falling down your face. "A-Alois?.." You smiled at him as tears were coming down your eyes. "Don't smile at me like that." You looked him confused. "Why not?" He sighed and looked at you. "Because it makes me regret leaving this world." You held your hand to your face and you feel to the ground. He ghost self walked over to you and sat in front of you. "It's okay sister. I know you don't want to marry him but we both know what will happen.." You looked up and sniffled. "Come on now Y/nnnn!! Your makeup is ruined! Here let's fix it up." You giggled and got up as you cleared your face and started replying your makeup. He stood next to you the whole time and occasionally you would look over to him and he would just be smiling. You finished your makeup and fixed your hair. You stood up in front of him. He was always an inch taller than you. "I really miss you Alois.. It's all my fault you died.." You looked down. "It's not your fault. You can't control what Claude does Y/n. But, It's all okay! I finally reunited with our brother and he is super excited to meet you again. You looked up and smiled. "Tell him I can't wait either." You giggled and sniffled. You heard a knock on the door. "My lady, It's time." Hannah said through the door. You quickly wiped your tears. You looked at Alois. "It's my time to leave. I'll see you Y/n." He gave you one last smiled and just like that he was gone. "I'll see you Alois." 

Word Count: 949

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