A Change (10)

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A couple week have passed and Claude has been acting nicer then he had for awhile towards you.  He hasn't done the things he has done before. After he gave you that sliver bracelet. He's been treating you kinder. 

You exited out of room to see your brother running to you full speed. He jumped on you and yelled saying, "Y/NNNNNN WE SHOULD HAVE AN OTHER BALL!!" You placed him down. "No, No we shouldn't." "Ohhh, Come onnnnn!! You love balls!!" "You do, not me." "Oh come on. Pleaseee!!!" He whined.  You sighed and put your hand to your face. "Yeah, Okay. I'll talk to Claude." He smiled really big. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" He kissed you on the cheek. You wiped it off. "Yeah, No problem." He ran off into his room while you went to go look for Claude.

"Claude!!" You yelled down the hall. You couldn't find him anywhere. "Yes darling~" You jumped. You turned around and saw Claude standing there. "Geez Claude! You scared me!" "You called for me so I came my dear~" Your face turned red after he said that. You turned away and started talking. "Alois want's another ball." Claude sighed. "Then it shall get done."  You turned around and nodded. You tried to walk away when Claude grabbed your wrist. He pulled you in and lifted your chin up. "I have one condition though," You looked at him confused but he continued. "You must stay with me the whole entire time." "What if I have to use the bathroom?" He paused. Then he finally spoke up. "I will escort you." You sighed. "If it will get my brother to shut up then I'm okay with this." "Perfect~" He said in a low seductive tone. He let go of your wrist and kissed you on the cheek. Your face was as red as a tomato. You turned around. "I'm going to my room now.." You mumbled. "Okay dear~" You walked away thinking about what you are going to wear to the ball and how to explain to Ciel why you haven't been answering him.  

It 8:30 pm and everyone is dancing while you are with Claude in the back. You were picking at your fingers. Anxious to see Ciel. You didn't want him to be mad at you. Claude looked down at you and said, "I have to go for a bit. Stay here." You nodded and he kissed you on the forehead. As he walked away you saw the dark hair blue boy walking towards you.  "Shit." You thought. You felt yourself shaking. "Well, M'lady, Quite a ball isn't it?" You slowly turned around to see him staring at the people dancing. "Y-Yeah I guess so..." You chuckled nervously. It was silent for a bit between the two of you till he brought up a conversation.  "So, How have you been?" You felt yourself sweating. "He just asked you how you are. STOP SHAKING!" You thought. "M'lady?" "Hm?" You said. "I asked you how you were. It's kind of rude not to answer." He said in a serious tone.  "I'm sorry. Guess I spaced out. I'm doing okay." You went quite after that. "What happened to your neck?" You coughed. "Uh, I fell..." You said covering your neck. "Hm.." He said. You saw Claude walking back to you. You smiled at him and he kissed you forehead. Ciel cleared his throat before speaking, "So, May I have a dance with you?" "Uh.." Claude glared at you. "I-" "She is already dancing with me Mr. Phantomhive." He said in a serious tone. "Ah, I see. But, I'm pretty sure one dance shouldn't hurt." They both kept giving each other dead stares. "This is awkward." You thought. "How about we let Lady Y/n pick." Ciel offered. They both turned to you. Ciel looked serious but also looked desperate for you to dance with him.  Claude just looked at you knowing that you should chose him or something bad might happen. Before you could say anything, Alois ran up to you and said, "Come with me." "Weird. He always jumps on me and screams in my ear." You nodded and followed Alois. The both of you exited the Ball Room and went to an area that the both of you were not allowed in. Claude told the both of you not to go in because it was his room. "We can't go in here Alois. Why are we here?" You questioned him. "Look, I went in the room-" Before he could finish, You yelled in a whispered toned. "ARE YOU SERIOUS ALOIS! YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN CAUGHT!" "BUT I DIDN'T!" It was silent for another second then you said, "I'm sorry. What did you find?" He cleared his throat and said, "It's kind of concerning but I thought I would show you. Since your my sister of course." He tried to keep talking but you cut him off. "Just show me." He gulped and opened the door with a key that you assumed he took. He opened the door for you and let you in first. You looked up. 

"Oh my God..." 

Word Count: 859 

Your MINE!!/// Yandere Claude x Reader ////Where stories live. Discover now