The Tea Event Pt.2 (14)

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You have finally arrived at the Phantomhive manor and before you knocked on the door you took a deep breath. "You got this Y/n." You finally knocked on the door and waited for a second. Sebastian opened the door and had a surprised look on his face. "My Lady, I thought you were sick." "I'm fine now. I didn't want to be rude and miss half of the event." Sebastian knew why you were here and wanted to make sure Claude didn't see you. He leaned in and whispered in your ear, "Go to Ciel's work room. Up the stairs to the right." You nodded and he let you in the house. You quietly walked up the stairs and went to take a right. You had arrived at Ciel's work room and knocked on his door first. No answer. You peeped your head in to see no one there. You walked in a closed the door quietly and decided to wait until Ciel and come. 

You were sitting there for awhile and finally heard someone opening the door. You got scared to see who it was. You hid for a little bit to realize that it was Ciel. You put your hand to your heart but you also seem to have startled Ciel. "My lady, What are you doing here?" You sounded confused. "Didn't Sebastian tell him? " You cleared your throat and said, "Sebastian said for me to come in here and wait for you."  "Ah, Of course he did." There was a awkward silence for a little bit then Ciel finally spoke up. "So, I'm assuming you got my letter?" "Yes. Yes, I did. That's sorta the reason why I came by today." He hummed in a response. He went to his desk and sat down in his chair. "Please, Take a sit. So, We can discuss the situation." You walked over to the seat in front of his desk and put your hands in your lap. "So, Before we get started, I must say your outfit looks incredible." You smiled and looked down and started fiddling with your fingers. "Thank you." You looked up and smiled. He gave you slight smile back. "Anyways, So, About you moving in..." You cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "I would love to move in with you. It would save me but I can't leave my brother. Something bad might happen to him and I can't risk that for him." He hummed again. "I understand. But, This could save your life. Who knows what Claude might do to you next?" You looked down again. "I just...I can't leave my brother. He means the world to me and for me to leave him like that without him knowing, I feel like that could hurt him..." You started picking at your fingers. "We will let him know the situation about what is happening and I'm pretty sure he will be okay with it." You looked up at him. "You don't my brother. He would not be okay with that. Especially, Since he is after Sebastian about what he did to our younger brother. I have forgive you guys for what had happened back then but Alois has not. If I were tell him that I was moving in with you guys, He might not speak with me again." You could tell Ciel was thinking of something. "Do you can Claude have a contract between each other?" You nodded. "In order for him to work with us, Me and Alois had to have a binding contract." "Where is it?" "It's on my tongue. Like, Alois." He hummed in a response. Before he could answer someone opened the door. You turned around. Claude was standing in the door way. "Y/n..." 

Word Count: 631

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