The Dance (6)

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You and Claude were standing in the back of the room. He kept holding your hand. Your hand started to get hot. "How do I get out of his grasp?" You kept thinking. You finally got an idea. "Hey Claude, I have to go to the restroom. May I go use it?" He looked down at you. He let go of your hand. "Once your done, Come right back. Understand me?" "Yes Claude." You bowed and walked away. You walked up the stairs and started exploring the Manor. You looked into every room. You were very curious about everything. "Are you looking for something?" You froze. You turned around and saw Ciel. "Geez Ciel! You scared the Living Hell out of me!!" He chuckled. "I'm sorry My Lady." "It's okay!" You smiled at him. He smiled at you. "How are you enjoying the dance?" You chuckled, "Yeah I am! I just been standing by Claude half of the time." You chuckled again with a worried look. He looked at you concerned. "Then how did you get away?" "I said I was going to go use the restroom." "Smart." The both of you chuckled at that. "Oh, Have you talked to Elizabeth yet?" He sighed. "Yes, I did. She did not take it well. But, Our marriage is now off." "Well, At least your with not someone you didn't really like." He smiled. "Yeah. Now I feel a lot better." You smiled. "I'm glad!" He held his hand out, "May I have a dance with you?" You we're about to answer but then realized about what Claude said. "I want to. But, I told Claude I would be back. I'm sorry!" He still had his hand out. "I'm sure he will understand. What would one dance do?" You thought about it. "One dance shouldn't hurt." You took his hand. "You May have this dance." He smiled. The both of you held hands and walked down the stairs.

You looked over at the wall where You and Claude were standing at. He wasn't there. "Weird." Ciel I'm the middle of the ballroom where everyone could see you. He put his hands on your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck. The music played in the background. As, They two of you looked each other's eyes. The both of you danced for what seemed like forever. Although, Neither of you wanted to let go. The both of you kept looking into each other's eyes then Ciel leaned in and kissed you. You kissed him back. It felt as if no one was there. Like it was just You and Him. The both of you pulled away. You smiled at him and he slightly smiled. You felt someone grab your shoulder super tight. You winced at the pain. Ciel let go and looked up. "Shit." You turned around and saw Claude. "H-Hey Claude!" You said with a chuckle and a small smile. "Come with me." He grabbed your wrist right and pulled you away from Ciel. You didn't look back. You were afraid to even move. He pulled you all the way upstairs to where no one could find you or see you. He found a wall and pinned you to the wall. He looked at you. Stern. You were scared. You didn't know if you should speak or even move. "Didn't I tell you that once you were DONE you come straight back?" You we're about to speak but couldn't get anything out. "Huh? Am I right?" You nodded. He sighed. He pushed up his glasses. "What made you decide to do this?" You spoke up. "Well, He wanted to have a dance and I didn't want to be rude! Plus, You weren't there. What was a supposed to do?!" "I was looking for you!" He slammed his hand on the wall. You flinched. He sighed again. "We are going to leave. Go get Alois." You ran down the stairs to get your brother. You felt someone grab your arm. You turned around to face Ciel. "My Lady, Where are you going?" "I'm sorry Ciel. I have to go. It was lovely to see you again." You bowed and kept running. You found Alois half drunk. "Alois we have to go." You grabbed his arm and the both of you headed out to the carriage.

The both of you have arrived at the Manor. Claude held open the door and you rushed in the Manor. You ran upstairs to your room and went to your bathroom. You fell down to the ground. "What was that about?? I just had one dance with him?!" You were furious. You started to cry. They were sad and angry tears. You felt bad for leaving Ciel there. But, You we're scared Claude was going to do something to do. You started to get undressed. You ran a hot bath. You got in your bath and laid down for a while.

You finally got out of the bath after an hour. You put a towel around your body. You went out of your bathroom and went to your closet to grab your Nightgown. You grabbed your white Nightgown with Black Stockings. You unraveled yourself from the towel and put on your Nightgown. Once you were done you sat on your bed and started to put on your stockings. You heard a knock on your door. Before you could answer for them to come in the door already opened. You saw it was Claude. You didn't want to talk to him. After what he had done to you, You don't want to talk to him. "My Lady, I want to apologize for what happened at the Ball." You looked away from him. He came over to you and lifted your chin. You looked him in the eyes. He kissed you. "Will you forgive me?" You felt like you had no choice. You nodded. "Good Girl" He kissed you again. He pulled away. "Time to go to bed My Lady." You got under the covers and laid down. He kissed you once again. "Good Night My Lady." He left your room. You turned over and had the same feeling you had every night. You sat up. You realized that no one was watching you. Like always. "Why does this keep happening to me?" You thought. You laid back down and fell into a deep sleep.

Word Count:1070

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