Punishment (7)

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You woke up out of your deep slumber to a knock on your door. Claude walked in with a Tea Tray. "My Lady, it's time for you to get up." You groaned and turned around. He walked over to your windows and opened your curtains. You groaned again. You sat up in your bed and saw Claude walk on the other side of your bed. He poured your tea in your teacup and handed it to you. You took the teacup from him and took a sip out of it. "How was your sleep, My Lady?" You put your cup down and replied, "It was okay. Thank you for asking!" You smiled at him. "Of Course, My Lady." He took your cup and put it on the tray. "Please get out of bed, My Lady." He pushed the tea cart out of your room and closed the door. You stood up and walked to your bathroom. You yawned while stretching. You looked in the mirror and noticed there was something on your neck. You leaned in close and saw it looked like a bruise. "Great a hicky. WAIT, Who put that there?" A shiver went down your spine thinking about who would've done it. You tried to hid it the best you could. You combed out your hair and curled it a bit. You put your hair in front of the hicky because your brother won't leave you alone about it if he saw it. You did your daily morning routine and walked out of your bathroom. You got dressed and headed downstairs.

You went to dinning room to where your brother jumped on you. "Y/NNNNN WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME LAST NIGHT!!!!!" You put him down and sighed. "I was really tired Alois. Deal with it." He rolled his eyes and went to the dining room to eat breakfast. You followed behind him and sat down. Claude came out with your guys breakfast and placed them in front of the both of you. "For todays breakfast we will be having Scrambled Eggs, Toast, A Side of Grapes, With a cup of tea and a cup of water." "Thank you Claude!" You said with a smile. He bowed and left the room.

You had finished your breakfast and wanted to go out to the garden to walk around. You went to the back door to go to the garden when Claude stepped in front of the door. "Where do you think your going. My Dear?" "I'm going outside? Is that a problem?" "Yes. Actually it is. You can not go outside." "Is this he serious?" You sighed. "It's MY mansion. I should be allowed to leave MY mansion!" You yelled at him. He sighed and pushed his glasses up. "I'm not allowing you to go outside after what happened last night." He said it in a very stern tone. You shook your head. "Are you serious?! This is about last night? WERE NOT EVEN DATING!" You yelled. He slammed you against the wall and grabbed on to your neck. He held his hand tight to your neck. You were gasping for breath. "Your Mine. Always have been. Always will be." He whispered in your ear. You tried to fight for air. "C-Claude.." You felt like you were going to die. "Do I make myself clear?" You kept gasping. "Y-Yes..." He let you go and you feel on the ground. You started coughing. "You will not be allowed outside until I say so. If you go outside there will be consequences." You looked up at him. He looked down at you and smirked at you. He kneeled in front of you and lifted your chin up to face him. "Do I make myself clear?" You nodded your head. "Good. I'm glad we are on the same page." He let go of your chin and stood up. He walked away from you coughing and gasping. You heard Hannah running over to you. "My Lady! Are you okay?!" She kneeled down to you and you looked up. "Y-Yes I'm fine. I just felt dizzy that's all!" You smiled to reassure her. She helped you stand up. "Are you sure your okay?" She asked once more. "I'm fine Hannah! Don't worry!" She looked at you concerned but bowed and walked away.

You were sitting in your room reading your book when you heard a knock on your door. You knew that knock. "Come in." Claude walked in. You didn't look up from your book. You were pissed off at Claude after what he did. He closed the door and walked towards to you. "My Lady I was just checking up on you." You still didn't look up from your book. He sighed. He walked over to you and lifted your chin for you to face him. You advoided his eye contact. "Will you look at me please?" You sighed. You looked into his eyes. They looked sincere. "I'm sorry for what happened. I hope you can forgive me." He leaned your chin to the side to look at your neck. Your neck started to form a burise. "Let's get your neck healed up. Shall we?" He picked you up bridle style and carried you to the sink. He placed you down and got a cloth from under the sink. He ran the cloth under cold water and put some medicine on it. He patted your neck lightly with the cloth. You winched when he got to his throat. "I apologize My Lady. I'll try to be more careful." Once he got done with the cloth he grabbed the wrap for your neck. He started wrapping the band-aid around your neck. "Is that better My Lady?" You nodded. He lifted your chin. "May I kiss you?" You didn't know how to answer that. He almost chocked you out. But, You nodded your head. He leaned in and kissed you. His lips were so soft. You kissed him back. The both of you kept kissing each other. You put your hand on his head. You started to stroke his hair. He grabbed your waist. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you to your bed. He sat on your bed. You were sitting on his lap. The both of you kept kissing each other for a while until you heard the sound of your brother screaming for Claude. He pulled away and sighed. He pushed up his glasses. You got off his lap. "I apologize My Lady. I will be back later." You nodded. He kissed you one last time. "Don't go anywhere." He left your room and closed the door. You heard a click on your door. 

( I want to apolgize again. I'm so sorry for the slow updates. I promise I will try my best to keep updating! But, Thank you for almost 200 Reads!! Anyways, Have a Great Day/Night! <3)

Word Count:1156

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