The Morning After (19)

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You woke up on Claude's bed but he wasn't there. You yawned. You tried to sit up but you were so sore from last night. You heard the door open to see Claude walking in with the tea tray. "Good morning My lady, Sleep well?" You stared at him for a moment. He chuckled as he poured your tea in the tea cup. He handed it to you and you took it from him and started drinking it. He cleared his throat and started to speak, "So, My lady, I have settled on a date we should get married," You looked up at him. "Don't you wait for a little bit. Like, A couple of moths? " "I believe we should get married in two days. I feel like it would be easier on the both of us to get it done soon." Your eyes went wide then you relaxed them. You cleared your throat to speak back to him. "Um, Claude? Isn't the expectation of a wedding, You're supposed to wait awhile?" He looked at you like you spoke a different language. "Wait, Don't you want it soon?" You were scared to answer because one wrong answer and you're either locked here or the dungeon. "I mean yeah I do.." He smiled at you. "Perfect! I will get Hannah to take you out to town and pick out a dress." You nodded and handed him the teacup. He took it and smiled. "Get ready, You'll be leaving around 10:30 am." You nodded as he left the room.  You got up out of his bed, Well, Now it's also your bed. You got up and walked over to the closet and grabbed your (f/c) dress and got matching tights to go under the dress. You grabbed some matching boots, matching jewelry and went to the bathroom to get ready. 

You were sitting in the carriage and looking out the window. Hannah was sitting across from you. She sensed there was something wrong with you because you were acting off. "My lady, Is everything all right?" That snapped you back into reality. "I'm sorry Hannah, What did you say?" "I asked if you were all right?" You sighed and shook your head no. "What's wrong?" You kind of looked at her for a moment and just sighed. "I don't want to get married so soon. Especially, After losing my brother. He was my only family and I'm marrying the person who killed my brother and I'm wearing the ring his soul is in." You could feel tears coming out of your eyes. Talking about your brother was hard on you. Hannah walked over to you without trying to fall and sat next to you pulling you into her embrace. "Hey, It's okay. I know it's hard but would you rather get locked into a room and him starving you or marrying him where you possibly don't have to deal with that anymore?" You sighed as you laid your head into her lap. "I guess marry him.." She started stroking your hair. "I know it's hard but I know you can get through it. I believe in you." You smiled as tears came down your eyes. "Thank you Hannah. Thank you for being there for me when I need it." "Of course my lady, I'll always be there." You laid in her lap until you arrived to the town. 

You finally arrived into town. It was just you and Hannah. Claude trusted you for this one time to go into town and if you decided to run off you knew what would happen. You and Hannah walked around town looking for a dress for the wedding. "So, What is the theme again?" "Navy and Gold." You saw Hannah thinking about what to wear for your dress. You didn't even know. "Well, I believe the white dress would work perfectly if you ask me." Hannah said. You agreed with her. "Oh! Here is a store we can check out! Let's go!" The two of you walked into the store and started trying on all the white dresses. "Hmm, I can't find a good one to wear." You groaned. You were tired and hungry because you forgot to eat breakfast. "Wait Y/n! Look at this!" Hannah held up a white dress with your style. You looked so happy. You went over there and grabbed it. "I'll go try it on and can you tell me how it looks?" "Of course My lady!" You went back into the dressing room and put on the dress. Before you walked out you looked at yourself. It fit your body shape so perfectly. It fit everything about you so perfectly. "Well, Come on out!" You walked out of the dressing room and Hannah look so shocked. "Y/n, This might be the one." You looked at it and thought, "I feel like Alois would have said that this looks good and be proud of me.." You smiled at Hannah. "All right, I'm getting it!" You went back to change out of it and came to the register. You paid for your dress and went to go eat something and to pick out Hannah a dress. 

Word Count: 869 

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