Arrangements (17)

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"Now, I was thinking we could do something along the colors of Navy and Gold," You and Claude were packing your stuff in your room to move to his room. Although, You were barely doing anything. You were too fazed to do anything. He stopped talking for a second and looked at you. "My lady, Are you okay?" "Did he just ask if I was okay?!"  You nodded your head and gave a small smile. He sighed and walked over to you and lifted your chin. "Look at me." You looked at him trying not to cry. You've been crying all day. You were wore out and couldn't handle more crying. "You must think I'm a monster but, I want you to keep this in mind. This will benefit us and our relationship." He kissed your forehead and pulled you into a hug. You melted into the hug. You were confused why you loved this so much. You were suppose to be mad at him but you still felt what you had always felt for him. "Let's finish packing then we can work on the wedding." You smiled lightly and tried to pack a little bit. 

You had finally moved into Claude's room and sat on his bed. He came and sat next to you. "So, My lady, Who all would you like to invite?" You thought about it for a second. "Hmm, Let's invite people from different manors we know and maybe the Phantomhive manor." He stared at you when you mentioned that. "I'm sorry, I don't think we should do that." "Why not?" "Because of Ciel." You looked at him confused. "What's wrong with Ciel?" He sighed and pushed his glasses up. "Y/n, We're about to get married. I don't want a guy that likes or loves you at OUR wedding. It would make me feel uncomfortable. You understand right?" You sighed. You understand where he was coming from. "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry." "It's okay darling." He placed his hand on your chin and turned you to him. He kissed you with much love. You melted to the kiss. He slowly lowered you down on the bed. He pinned you and started moving down to your neck. You moaned a little bit. He started nipping at your neck as he moved down to your collar bone. You started moaning a little bit more. He slowly moved his hand under your dress. He moved back up your ear and whispered, "Are you ready darling?" You nodded. "Let's begin then~" 

A/N: There will be SMUT in the next chapter (Since, I don't want you guys being disappointed that I lead you on) Although, If your uncomfortable with this kind of stuff, I recommend skipping the next chapter and continue on with your life. That's all. Have a wonderful Day/Night <33

Word Count: 473 

Your MINE!!/// Yandere Claude x Reader ////Where stories live. Discover now