Planning (20)

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You arrived back to the Manor with Hannah. You two were laughing as you two walked in to see Claude meeting you guys at the front door. "Oh! Hello Claude!" He smiled at you. "Hello My Lady. Here, Let me take your coat." He grabbed your coat as he hanged it on the coat rack. "Did you have fun?" You nodded. "Yes! We had a lot of fun!" He smiled at you again. "I'm glad. I do need your help planning out our wedding since it's two days away." You nodded. "Of course! Hannah can you take my bag upstairs into Claude's room and place it in front of the door, please?" She nodded and took your bag. Claude held out his hand for you to take. You took his hand and he led you to dinning table with lunch prepared for you. He pulled out a chair for you and you sat in it starting to eat your lunch. He sat next to you and started discussing about what you guys should do. 

"So far we have theme, food, people we should invite...Is that all?" Claude asked. You smiled and nodded. "Yeah! I think so!" He smiled. "Good. I'll take your dishes and you can start making the invite list." "All right!" He kissed you on the forehead and headed to the kitchen with your dishes. You started making the invites but felt like you needed to invite Ciel. You had a bad feeling something would happen and maybe Ciel could help you if something bad did happen. You secretly made an invite to him and stuck it in your pocket dress. Claude came back out and smiled at you. "Did you finish?" You nodded with a smile. He took the invites and looked through them. "They are perfect! I'll get Hannah to send them out." He smiled. You grabbed his arm before he could go and find Hannah. "Oh! Would you mind if I did? I have to talk to her about something anyways." He looked at you confused but he seemed to have ignored it. "Yes, Of course." He handed you the invites. You kissed him on the cheek and walked to go find Hannah. 

You finally found Hannah. She was out at the garden taking care of the flowers. You smiled and creeped up behind her. "Boo!" She jumped up a little bit and saw you. You were giggling to yourself and smiling. "Oh, My lady, You scared me!" She chuckled. "As I can tell." You offer your hand to her to help her up from the ground. "Anyways, I was wondering if you could pass out the invites to everyone. You can also mail them. I feel like that would be much easier if I'm going to be honest." You chuckled with a smile. She smiled. "Of course My lady." She took the invites and before she could walk away you grabbed her arm. "Hannah...Could you also mail this?..." You handed her the invite you wanted to give to Ciel. Her eyes widened. "Are you sure My lady? Didn't Claude say not to invite him?" You nodded. "Yes, He did. But, Just in case something bad happens, He will be there to help me I guess.." You looked down at the grass. She took the invite. "I will My lady and make sure Claude doesn't find out." She gave you a comforting smile. You looked back up with the brightest smile ever. "Thank you Hannah!" You hugged her tightly. She hugged you back. "Of course, My lady." 

Word Count: 595

Your MINE!!/// Yandere Claude x Reader ////Where stories live. Discover now