Scared (8)

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"Did he lock the door?" You stood up and walked to the door. You jiggled the door knob. "Great now I'm not even allowed to leave my room." You groned. You walked back to your bed and sat down. You looked out your window. The sun looked like it was about to set. You looked at the clock in your room. It read 5:45. "I'm pretty sure were going to have dinner soon." You sat there waiting for Claude to come get you for dinner.

You were reading your book. It was 8:30. You haven't had dinner. You were straving. "What the hell? Is he trying to starve me." You were getting upset. You put your book down and stood up. You felt a little dizzy. You wobbled a little bit. You finally straightened yourself up and walked to your door. You tried opening your door again. "It's still locked." You were getting mad. You looked at your window. "What if..." You walked over to your window and looked down. The window was under part of the roof. You unlocked your window and opened it up. You stuck your head out. You were kinda high up but there was a bush under you. You got your leg out and stood up on the roof. You walked carefully hoping you wouldn't fall. You got to where you would fall in the bush. "Here goes nothing." You jumped.

You landed in the bush. "Thank the Lord." You got out of the bush and brushed off the leaves on your dress. You walked to find the back door to get into the mansion. You finally found the door. You queitly opened the door. You peaked your head through the door. No one was there. You stepped in and closed the door behind you. You tiptoed to the kitchen. Finally, You reached to the kitchen and entered. You sighed. You walked over to the fridge and opened it. You grabbed an apple. You closed the fridge to fine Claude behind the door. You jumped. "H-Hi Claude. What a shock to see you h-here." You were stuttering very badly. He smirked at you. "Didn't I tell you to not go anywhere?" "You locked my door. I was starving Claude. I was STARVING." He sighed. "If you have gaven me time I wouldv'e let you out of your room. But obviously someone needs to be taught a lesson." You gulped. He smirked at you again. He pinned you against the wall. He roughly kissed you. Your eyes widden and you shoved him off of you. He wiped his lips and looked at you. He looked at you in anger. You were scared. He walked up to and grabbed your wrist. He held it tight. "C-Claude, My w-wrist..." He looked like he knew what he was doing. He dragged you upstairs to your room. He kept holding your wrist super tight. You were tripping over yourself. Once the both of you reached your room he shoved you into your room. You fell to the ground. He closed the door behind him. He walked to your windows and locked them. He turned to you and saw that you were about to cry. He walked over to you. You started backing away. Your back finally reached the wall. He stood in front of you. He knelt down to you and lifted your chin. You were crying. You were terrfied of him. "Aw, Don't cry. If you hadn't left your room this wouldv'e never happened." He toched your face and wiped your tears away from your face. You kept crying. You pulled your face away from his hand. He sighed. He stood up and you looked up at him. He held out his hand. "My Lady, Let's get you ready for bed." You were terrfied what he would do if you didn't take his hand. So you took his hand. He pulled you up aggressively. You yelped a little bit. He kept hoding your hand. He was holding your hand very tight. He dragged you to your closet. He grabbed your nightgown and handed it to you. "Go to the bathroom and Get. Changed." You nodded. You walked fast to your bathroom. You closed the door and slid down your door. You started shaking and crying. You have never been more terrified in your life. You were even scared to leave your bathroom. All you knew though was no matter what he did, You still have these strong feelings for him. No matter what he did.

You walked out of your bathroom in your nightgown. You saw Claude sitting on your bed. Waiting for you. He stood up and walked towards you. You stood still. He grabed your chin. "Now look who is finally listing?" You turned away. "Come now. Let's get to bed." He picked you up bridal style and walked back to your bed. He laid you down. He pulled the covers over you and tucked you in. You noticed he walked to the other side of the bed. He took off his shoes and his tail coat. He crawled into bed with you and pulled you close to him. Your head was laying on his chest. You heard his heart and his breathing. He kissed you on your forehead. "Good night, My Lady." Just like that you fell asleep into his arms. More terrfied than ever.

Word Count: 899

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