The Past (5)

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You sat up in your bed. It was the middle of the night. You were covered in sweat. You looked down at your hands. Your hands are shaking so badly. Your gasping for air. It felt as if you couldn't breath. You got up out of your bed and went to your bathroom. You went to your sink and splashed water in your face. You looked up. Your face was flushed. You heard your door open. You quietly walked out of your bathroom and peeked your head out. To your surprise it was Claude. You let out a sigh. "My Lady, Why are you up this late?" "Oh, I just needed to use the restroom that's all!" You chuckled with a smile. He looked at you concerned. "My Lady, If I must say, You are lying." You looked at him. You dropped to the floor. You started crying. He walked up to you and kneeled in front of you. He pulled you close to him. You were sitting on his lap. "What's wrong?" You wanted to say but you got scared. You just laid on his chest. He patted your head. Your sobs were over powering you. Your head started to hurt. You wanted to scream. But you couldn't. You didn't want to wake the house up. He caressed your back. The both of you stayed like this until dawn.

You woke up in your bed. Your face was red. Your head was throbbing. You stood up and went to your bathroom. You got changed and went downstairs. You heard your brother, "Y/N!!!!!!! I HAVE NEWS!!!!" You turned to face him. "Yes, Alois?" "We're going to a ball tonight!!!" You looked at him confused. "Did he know this and didn't tell me??" You sighed. "Who?" "Who do you think?" "The Phantomhive Manor?" He nodded and smiled. "Oh great." You started to walk again. Alois followed you talking your ear off. "OH! I forgot to mention! We are going to match outfits!!" "Why?" You looked at you like you were crazy. "When is the last time we matched outfits?" You thought about it. When the both of you were kids Alois, You, and Your younger Brother all matched outfits. You remember when Alois would dress up as a king and you and your younger brother would dress up as the servants. You shook your head. "Exactly! So, We are going to match. I already have an outfit for us!" "Of course he does." You and Alois went to the office to do work. Mostly you did m. He just kept on talking about how he is excited for the ball and complaining about the work.

Alois was screaming at you to get ready faster. It was time for the ball. "I'M ALMOST READY!! YOU CAN WAIT FOR TEN MORE MINUTES!!" You we're putting on a dark purple dress with black tights. You put on the hat Alois gave you to wear. You looked yourself in the mirror and saw, Your brother looking at you and smiling at you. You looked next to you and as always your brother is never there. You shed a tear then wiped it away. "Y/N ARE YOU ALMOST DONE???" You sighed. "YES I AM!! LET ME PUT MY SHOES ON!!" You put on your black laced boots and headed downstairs.

You got in the carriage and looked out the window. Your brother was talking your ear off. "We look adorable if I say so myself!" You looked over at him and he looked so smug. "Yeah Yeah. Whatever you say." "Y/n? Are you okay?" You looked over at Alois. He looked concerned for you. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" "I don't know. I think that after what happened, This seems hard." You looked at him. He looked like he was about to cry. He shedded a tear. You wiped the tear away. "This is hard for the both of us. But we have to get through this. Also, I think we look adorable. We look like The King and The Queen of the world!" You smiled at him. The both of you started laughing about what you said.

You finally arrived at the Phantomhive Manor. Alois jumped out of the carriage. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the carriage. "Look! We're here!!!" "Yes Alois, I have eyes too." He looked at you and scoffed. He tried to drag in the Manor when Claude broke you holding hands. "WHAT THE HECK CLAUDE!!" Alois screamed at him. "I'm just going to have a chat with her You Majesty. Go head inside." He rolled his eyes and headed inside. You looked at Claude. "Yes Claude. What do you need?" He looked down at you. "You are going to stay by my side the whole entire time we are here." You giggle at that thinking it was a joke. He looked at you. "Oh shit. He's serious." "Y-Yeah okay!" He grabbed your hand. "Perfect. Now let's head inside." The both of you headed inside with him holding your hand tight.

Word Count:849

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