What Is This? (11)

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"Oh my God..." You said in shock. You and Alois stared at what you have been looking for what felt like forever. Claude had a shrine of you. You hugged Alois. You were scared. You started crying silently into his shirt. He patted your head and moved his hand down your hair back and fourth. "It's okay Y/n..." He said silently. You looked back up to see thoroughly about all that he put. You saw pictures of yourself sleeping. Peacefully. Next to it was you crying yourself to sleep with a note saying, 

"My sweet Y/n. I love seeing how pitfall you look" 

You felt scared. More scared than usually. Now you know who was watching you while you were sleeping. "We better leave before Claude comes back Alois." You said with a shaky voice. "Yeah, I agree let's go." He grabbed your hand and you walked out of his room and locked the door back up. The both of you walked back to the ball room and acted like you didn't see anything. Claude walked up to you with a smile on his face. "Act calm Y/n. Act calm." You smiled back and waved. "What did Alois need?" He asked. "Oh he was overreacting with a tiny spill on his outfit and he needed help cleaning it up or he would "die"." You said. "Ah, That does sound like him."  You smiled awkwardly not knowing what to say. "Well, Now that your back, We shall dance." "Wha-" Before you could finish your sentence he grabbed your arm and dragged you to the dance floor. He placed his hands on your waist and you placed you hands around his neck. You two started swaying back and forth to the music. You looked up into his light brown eyes. He looked down at you and smirked. You turned away. You placed your head against him as the both of you kept dancing. You felt the warmth and comfort from him. You felt safe. But, The back of you mind you still had that shrine of his still there. But, You couldn't feel any different from how you felt about him. You were scared about how you felt towards him but for now your going to try and ignore it. 

It was almost midnight and the ball had finally ended. You and Alois were thanking everyone that had came and hoped they had a good time. You saw Ciel leave with Sebastian and you stared as they walked out the door. "Wait! Ciel!" You ran out the door and ran to their carriage. "Lady Y/n? Whatever is the matt-" Before he could finish you gave him a hug. You almost felt tears running down your face but you tried to hold them back. "Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked having a concerned tone. You backed away from the hug and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Just thought I would give you hug." He smiled a little bit. He nodded to you and went into his carriage and left. 

You were in your room about to get ready for a bath when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You saw Claude walked in. "Oh, Hi Claude. I'm about to get in the bath so you don't have to remind me!" You smiled. He looked at you. Didn't say a word. He had an angry expression on his face. "Um, Claude is everything okay?" You asked. "No. No. Nothing is okay." He said in a very stern tone. You gulped. "I saw you hugged Ciel." "Oh shit." "C-Claude nothing meant anything to that! I swear!" "How would you feel if I hugged another woman huh? How would that make you feel?" You looked down. You didn't want to answer that question. "Exactly." He sighed and pushed up his glasses. "You will be staying in your room until I saw other wise." You looked up at him. '"N-No please Claude! Please!" "You should have thought about that before you hugged other person without asking me." He walked up to you and grabbed you chin. "I love you Y/n. That's why I'm doing this." He kissed you on your forehead and walked out. You heard a click on the door. You fell to the ground and started crying. "Why...Why." You ended up not taking a bath and headed straight to bed. Crying yourself to sleep. 

Word Count: 7349 

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