Oh No (15)

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"Y/n..." You froze. He stared at you. "Oh shit." You smiled slightly. "C-Claude! I'm shocked you came in here! I started feeling better and decided to-" Before you could finish your sentence he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the Manor. You could barely keep up on how fast he was moving. You were wincing in pain as he threw you in the carriage. As you fell in he slammed the door. You started wincing more in pain as you were already in. You were silently crying when you heard the carriage stop. You wiped your tears away and saw Claude grabbed your arm again. He grabbed your wrist again and dragged you inside the Manor.  He dragged you down the stairs and threw you in the dungeon. You tried to stand up and shove yourself out of there but before you could Claude slammed the door. You looked at him terrified and he just sighed. He knelt down and grabbed your chin between the bars. "Y/n...If you would've just listened this wouldn't have happened." He held your chin harder and turned your face. He kissed your cheek and stood up. You were absolutely terrified. You scoot up to the wall and put your hand between your knees. You started crying but as you sat in your tears you wonder what you were feeling. You still had that feeling when you first laid eyes on him.  

You woke up shivering. You curled up in a ball trying to warm yourself. You heard a door opening. You scoot back to the corner to see Claude walking towards you. You kept you arms wrapped around your legs. He opened the door leading to where you were and held open his hand. "I need to show you something." You shook your head. "I said...I need to SHOW YOU SOMETHING." You flinched and stood up. You held his hand and he smiled softly at you. "Now, let's go." The both of you walked quietly together. You realized that it was super quiet. "Alois is up at this time...Where is he? " The both of you walked into the main area to see Alois lying there. The ritual was formed one Claude did what Alois wanted. You fell to your knees and crawled over to him. You held his hand. "A-Alois...No...Come on..." Tears started falling out of your eyes. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You turned him over and held him into your lap. You pushed the hair out of his hair and was filling with anger and sadness. You kissed him on the forehead. "I'm so sorry this happened...I didn't protect you like I was suppose to...I broke our parents promise..." Tears fell down his face. You placed him down and stood up. Anger filled you up. You turned around to see Claude on one knee. "Y/n, I handle the problem for our relationship. For that, I have taken his soul and put it in this ring," He presented the ring to you. You started crying more. "For that, I will ask for your hand in marriage." 

Word Count: 520

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