Here Comes The Bride (22)

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You opened the door to see Hannah. She smiled at you softly. "Are you ready?" You breathed in deeply. "Yes, I believe so." She gave you another soft smile and laid down your veil to the front of your face. You smiled through your veil and followed her down the hall.

The white flowers were all on the ground after the flower girls. The three demon triplets were Claude's best men. Since, Claude didn't really have any friends. You didn't have a Dad because he died in the fire that happened. So, You asked Hannah to walk you down. Turn after turn with everybody it was finally your turn. You breathed in deep and breathed it out. Hannah held your hand your hand as you carried a bouquet of white flowers. "Are you ready?" She asked. You nodded in a response. 

"Here Come's The Bride" music was playing in the background as you walked down. Everyone stood up and stared at you as you walked down. Claude looked at you with a sweet smile. You put a smile on your face but deep down you had a bad feeling something would happen. "I don't see Ciel anywhere...He might be late." Hannah whispered to you. You looked at her and gave her a soft smile. You finally reached the alter and stood in front of Claude. He smiled at you and lift your veil in front of you face to the back of your head. You smiled still with that gut feeling. 

It was time for you guys to say your vows. Claude took the ring and held it up. "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness." He held a candle, lit it, and placed it down on the table. "With this ring, I ask you to be mine." He slipped the ring down on your left ring finger. You looked down at your finger. You thought it was so beautiful. It was almost time for your vows when you heard a certain voice speak. "STOP THE WEDDING!!" Everyone turned around to see who had just barged in and yelled that. "C-Ciel?.." You mumbled to yourself. "Y/n, You're coming with us." Ciel stated as he tried to make an approach to you, Claude stood in front of you. "This wedding is still going. Until she says "I do" it keeps going. If you want to discuss with her later you can. But, Not right now." He said is a stern tone. Ciel scoffed. "As if I care. Y/n, Let's go." You tried moving past Claude but Claude held you back. "You're not leaving until you say "I do" Y/n. That's final. You love me right?" He turned to look at you with a pitiful look. You couldn't bare to see that look. You sighed and looked down. "I do.." He lifted your chin up and placed his ring on his left ring and kissed you. That was it. You were now officially married to Claude. That was it for you. You looked in front of Ciel. He seemed heartbroken but that wasn't the thing that bothered you. There was something behind him. 


Word Count: 546

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