Trapped (9)

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You woke up in your room. Your head was pounding. You fluttered opened your eyes. You saw that Claude was not next to you anymore. You sat up and saw that your curtains were closed to your windows. You got out of your bed and went to your bathroom. You did your daily Morning Routine. You realized you still had the bandage on your neck. You unraveled it and saw the bruise all over your neck. You shuddered at what had happened. You placed your hand on your neck to see how bad it was. You winced at the pain. You looked down at your sink. You felt tears running down your face. "It's early in the morning and I'm already crying.." You looked up at your mirror and wiped the tears off your face. You ran your hands in cold water and splashed it on your face. You walked out of your bathroom and headed for your door. You jiggled the door knob. "Great." It was lock. Of course it was. What did you expect. You groaned. You walked to back to your bed. "I guess that means I can sleep in." You got under the covers and fell back asleep.

You woke up once again. You sat up and saw the clock in your room. 12:50. "Is he not going to feed me?" You were getting annoyed with him. He hasn't even went to come and check up on you. Although, You did get the feeling you were being watched. You hated the feeling. But, You got use to it. You've always felt that way. "Well, I guess I could take a bath to get rid of this feeling." You grabbed new clothes and went to the bathroom. You started running the water for your bath. You got undressed and sat in your bath tub.

You got out of the bath and got dressed. The feeling of you being watched never changed. You were scared. You walked out of the bathroom and looked at the clock. 1:20. You heard your stomach growled. "I'm so hungry.." You walked back to your door and jiggled the door knob. Locked. You groaned. You started pacing around in your room. You were thinking about screaming for Alois. But, You realized the possibilities Claude would do to you. You shook your head and headed back to your bed and grabbed your book.

You finished your book and looked at the time. 4:35. "Why the Fuck is he still not here?!" You walked up to the door again and jiggled the door knob. Click. You got excited. The door is unlocked! You creaked the door. You peeked you head out the door to see if anyone was there. "Coast is clear!"  You stepped out of your room and walked to the halls. It was quiet. "I guess Alois and Claude are out." You walked downstairs to the kitchen. You walked in and went to the fridge. You grabbed the left over dinner which was, Spaghetti and Garlic Bread. You made yourself a plate and you ate the whole thing in seconds. You cleaned your plate and checked back behind the door. "Coast is still clear!" You tiptoed back upstairs then you heard the front door.  "Shit!" You ran quietly to you room and closed the door. You gasped for breath when you heard your door open. You froze in place. "Hello Y/N~" You slowly turned around to face Claude. "H-Hi Claude!" You chuckled nervously. He stared at you for a second. "You have something on your face." He pulled a napkin out of his pocket and wiped your face. You flinched but let him continue. He pulled away and looked down at the napkin. "You didn't leave your room did you~" You shook your head. He smiled lightly and lift your chin up with his finger. "Now that wasn't very smart. But, I won't punish you this time~" You were shaking. You tried to back up but he grabbed your wrist. "I have a gift for you. To apologize for my actions I have caused." He handed you a small box. It was a velvet colored with a sliver bow. You looked up at him and his eyes told you to open it. You opened it slowly to see a sliver bracelet with a small charm. You smiled. You looked up at him and he smiled at you. You hugged him. "Thank you Claude.." You said quietly. 

(Word Count: 745)  

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