No Choice (16)

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"What did you just ask me?" You scoffed in disbelief. "I said, I took care of the problem and I will ask your hand in marriage." You couldn't believe it. He just killed your only family, and asks you to marry him. "Your joking, right?" He looked very serious. "I'm going to assume it's a yes since you're in such a state of shock." He stood up and tried to grab your hand and you pulled your hand away. His eyes widened. He cleared his throat and relaxed his face. "My Lady, In order for us to marry I have to put the ring on your left hand and on your ring finger." "I'm well aware." You looked down trying to cry as you had your hands in a fist. "But, You killed my BROTHER MY ONLY FAMILY AND YOU ASK ME TO MARRY YOU?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" You had finally snapped. You looked at him crying. "So, No Claude. You will not have my hand in marriage." He looked at you shocked. "My Lady, I don't think you understand. You have no choice." You looked at him confused. "I'm sorry, What? No choice in what?" "You have to marry me. That is the choice. You can not say no." "Is he actually serious? " "Now give me your hand." You shook your head and held your hands behind your back. "I said...Give. me. your. hand." You started running into the dining room and through the Manor. You were running till he popped up right in front of you. You jumped back and tried running the other way but he grabbed you. You were squirming around so you could get away but, He was way stronger than you were. He slipped the ring on your finger. It was official. You were getting married to Claude Faustus. You weren't going to be a Trancy. You were going to be Faustus. "Now that wasn't so hard was it? Now, Let's collect your things and move them into my room. You can pick which ever side you want on the bed to sleep. Then later we can make arrangements." As he was walking off you looked at your ring. "Alois soul is in this ring..." You almost started crying when you heard Claude's voice. "Darling, Are you coming?" "Yes." You stood up, Still staring at your ring in disbelief.

(I apologize that this is short. Next chapter should possibly be longer. Kind of ran out of ideas. Sincerely apologizes, In hopes you guys can forgive me)

Word Count: 428

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