The "Special" Dinner Pt.2 (4)

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You, Ciel, Alois, and Ciel's butler went to the dinning room. Claude placed three plates on the dinning table. You and Alois were next to each other. Although, Ciel was on the opposite side of you. "Really Claude?" You got mad at the idea but you brushed it off because he would move you back. Claude cleared his throat and started to speak, "Today for dinner we have, Chicken breast, Fresh cut    Green Beans, a Roll, and for to drink we will be having fresh water." "Thank you Claude." You smiled at him. He bowed. When he looked back up he winked at you. You became a blushing a mess but brushed it off.

All of you have finished eating and Claude took up the plates and went to go clean them up. You and Ciel went back to talking about how everything has been. You decided to show him around the manor. Your brother was trying to tag along but you hit him in the back of the head telling him he is all ready annoying enough. You showed Ciel where the bathroom was and Where You and Alois office is. You reached to your room and opened the door. "And this is my room!" He walked in taking a look around. You walked in and closed the door. You sat on your bed while he looked around. He came to your bed and sat next to you. "How do you like my room?" You asked with a smile. "Hmm, It's a nice room I would like to say. Very clean." "Yeah. You can blame Claude for that." You laughed and Ciel chuckled. The two of you faced each other. You looked into each other's eyes. Next thing you know, Ciel leaned in and kissed you. You were shocked. His lips were soft against yours. You liked it. You kissed him back. You pulled away. "I like you Y/n. A lot. Every since we met." He sounded very serious. He sounded like he meant it. You remembered that he had a fiancé. "Wait, Don't you have a fiancé? Isn't her name Elizabeth?" He sighed. "Yes. That is her name. It's a arranged marriage. It's not that I want to marry her. I have to." He laid down with his hands on his face. You laid next to him. "You could always talk to her about it. You could say that you don't think the marriage will work out. I also like you Ciel. But I don't want to cheat." He looked at you and leaned in. The both of you kissed again. You kissed him back. "Thank you Y/n. That means a lot." "No problem!" You smiled at him. You stared at each other for a little bit then you broke the silence. "We should probably head back. We don't need people getting the wrong idea." He nodded in agreement. The both of you stood up and walked out of your room. The both of you walked downstairs to meet up with other people. Alois jumped on you and started yelling in your face. "YOU LEFT MEEEEEE!!!! I WAS ALONE WITH THAT CREEPY BUTLER!!!!!" You put him down and looked over at Ciel's Butler. "He is the same type of butler as Claude is except different hair and he doesn't have glasses." Alois looked at you like you were insane. "Excuse me?! He is way worse!!" He started winning and Ciel looked at you. You looked at him and started to say, "This is what I have to deal with." Alois looked at you in offense. "Wow. I'm just venting to my sister!!" "More like complaining." I said. Alois looked shocked and walked away. You chuckled at that. Claude came out of the kitchen. He pushed up his glasses and started to say, "I think it's time for the Phantomhive family to leave." You walked Ciel to the door and waved bye. "Bye Ciel! I'll write to you soon!" He nodded.

You were combing out your hair when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You walked out the bathroom and saw Claude. He closed the door and walked up to you. You got confused about what he was doing. He pushed you up against the wall and leaned in close, "Didn't I tell you. Your Mine." You gulped. He smirked at you. He leaned into your neck and started to kiss it. Small moans were coming out of your mouth. He switched from kissing to lightly biting. You made wincing noises as he did it. He pulled away and looked up and down at you. He leaned in again and whispered in your ear, "I now have you marked." You started blushing. Your whole face was red. He pulled away again and carried bridle style. He laid you on your bed. You tucked yourself in. He kissed you. His lips were soft. "Good Night My Lady."

Word Count:825

Your MINE!!/// Yandere Claude x Reader ////Where stories live. Discover now