Let's Have A Little Fun~ (18)

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As you two kept kissing, You slowly unbutton his vest and tried to take it off of him. He broke off the kiss and took it off himself. He went back to kissing you and moving down from your jaw to your neck. You were moaning softly as he kept kissing you. He gave you hickeys all over your neck. He traced his hand to your thigh and started creasing it. He looked back up to face and looked you up and down. "I hope you don't mind if I rip your dress tonight, My Dear~" He whispered in a deep voice. "I don't mind at all~" He hummed in a response. "Don't get all cocky now my dear. You won't have it for long~" You scoffed in response. He smirked and removed his glove with his hand. You got butterflies in your stomach. You thought that was hot. He smirked. He went back to kissing you and slowly moving down. As he was kissing you, He slowly traced his hand to your thigh and slowly moving up. He got to your underwear and was slowly removing it off of you. He stopped kissing you and looked at you. "You're so beautiful...Did I ever tell you that?" He whispered. You blushed and responded with, "N-No.." He hummed in response. "I might as well tell you that more often then~ and I'll show you how much I love you tonight~" You were blushing so much you looked like a tomato. He slowly moved down your vagina and started kissing it. You moaned quietly. He got irritated that you didn't moan loud enough. He came back up to face you and without warning he stuck both his pointer and middle finger inside of you. That got you and you moaned louder than before. That satisfied him then before. He kept doing it going in and out of you. You kept moaning louder and louder to the point where you could think the other butlers and maids could hear you. He finally stopped and you started panting. He smirked. "I suppose you weren't expecting that?" You didn't respond. You instead flipped him over and starts unbuttoning his pants. It was your turn to get your revenge for what he did to you just now. You pulled down his pants to see he has a boner. You smirked. "Is this what I do to you? I'm surprised I didn't feel it." He didn't responded but you saw his face turn red. You pulled down his underwear, reveling his member. You smirked as you hoped onto it. You started riding him. He gripped into the headboard as you were riding. He was grunting loudly as you were moaning. You felt the turn in your stomach. "C-Claude I'm about to.." He grunted in a response saying, "I am too.." You stopped riding him and laid next to him panting. He looked next to you a little confused. "Why-Why'd you stop.." He said still panting. "I kind of don't feel like getting pregnant.." He smirked and came closer to you. You placed your head on his chest. He whispered in your ear, "I wouldn't mind tiny us. You blushed and burred your face into his chest. He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "You're adorable. Goodnight My Lady~"  You smiled in his chest and responded with "Goodnight Claude." You two slept good that night cuddling with each other. 

A/N: I'M SO SORRY IF THIS WAS BAD! I HONESTLY TRIED MY BEST! If you guys would like, Give me tips in the comments or DM me if you have any ideas what I should do next time to be better at this. All right, Have a Good Day/Night! Take care of yourselves! <33

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