The "Special" Dinner Pt.1 (3)

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It's been a couple days since the Ball. Lately, You haven't been getting enough sleep, But you were happy that Ciel kept in contact with you. You asked him to when the the both of you were walking in the graden at night, during the ball. He told you we would and he kept his promise. You were siting in the shared office you and Alois shared. You were sitting at the brown den desk. Ciel had wrote back to you and you were writting back to him. You kept writting until you heard a very poliet knock. "Come in!" You said. Claude walked in with a tea tray. "Hello, My Lady. How are you doing today?" He poured your tea and placed your tea on the desk. You picked it up and took a sip out of it. "It's been going good so far...How about you?" He wasn't shocked when you asked that question you tend to ask him questions like that. "I've been good My Lady. Although, I do have announcement," He pushed his glasses up and continued talking, "The Pantomhive Manor will be staying here for dinner tonight." "Oh, Okay! What time will they be coming?" He smiled at you. "At 6:00 pm." You looked at the clock and saw it was 2:00 pm. "All right! Thank you Claude!" You smiled at him. "Your welcome My lady." He bowed and walked out of the office.

You were still in the office. You were organizing everything because your brother likes to reck everything in the office. You looked up at the clock and you saw that it was 5:00 pm. "Oh shit. I should get ready." You ran out of the office and into your bedroom. When you walked in you saw clothes on your bed. You walked over there and a saw a note on your clothes.

"You have terrible taste in fashion. So, I went through your closet and found this. Wear it.
Alois <3"
"Wow hurtful." You thought. You grabbed the outfit and went to your bathroom. You changed into your outfit for the dinner. "Wow. Not bad Alois." You thought. You combed out your hair and put on jewelry that matched your outfit. You walked out of your bathroom and started to head down the stairs.

You walked into the kitchen to see Claude preparing the meal. You walked up behind him and hugged him. "What are you making Claude?" He wasn't startled by this. He put down his utensils that he was cooking with and turned to face you. "It will be a surprise My Lady." You looked at him with a "Awwed" face. "Awww, Claude. Your no fun." He smirked at that. "Don't smirk." You walked out of the kitchen to find your brother sitting on the couch. You walked up behind him and started to mess with his hair. "Great pick Stupid." He turned to face you and jumped on you. "I know. I'm amazing!" He smiled. You put him down. "Yeah, Let's go with that." You giggled. You and Alois spent time arguing about over who has the better style. Then, The both of you heard the door bell ring. "Their here!~" Alois said.

Alois dragged you to the door where Claude was greeting them. "Ciel!!!!!!!!! You made it!!!!" He tried to jump on Ciel but before he could, You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him. You smiled at Ciel and hugged him. You pulled away, "It's nice to see you again Ciel! I apologize for my brother once again!" You chuckled. "It's quiet all right Lady Y/n." You smiled at him. Claude cleared his throat. "All right. Dinner will be ready soon. Y/n may you help me?" You looked confused but nodded your head with a smile. You followed him into the kitchen. When you closed the door, Claude pinned you to the door. "C-Claude?!" You sounded very shocked. Although, You were very flustered. He leaned in close to your face and looked up and down at you. He met your eyes and then started to say, "What's your relationship with Ciel?" "Is he seriously asking this right now?" "We're just friends! I swear!" You were very nervous and a blushing mess. He leaned into your ear and whispers, "Your mine." You became even more of a blushing mess. "You may be excused. Dinner will be ready soon." You nodded. You walked out of the kitchen. You put your hands on your face to cover it up from your blushing mess. You calmed yourself down and walked in the living room where everyone was. You sat next to Ciel and started talking about how the both of you have been and how the manor has been. Claude walked in the living room and said, "Dinner is ready."
Hiii, So I should probably say, There will be slow updates. But, I will try my best to post more! Have a Good Day/Night!
Word Count: 839

Your MINE!!/// Yandere Claude x Reader ////Where stories live. Discover now