A New Deal? (12)

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You woke up to a knock on your window. "What the hell? " You got up from your bed and walked over to the window. You opened your curtains to see Ciel's butler there. You jumped back a little bit. "Why the hell is he here? " You looked at him confused. He pointed to the window for you to unlock it. You tried unlocking it but forgot that Claude had the key. You looked at him and mouthed, "I don't have the key " He just kept pointing to the window. You thought you would give it a try. The window had opened. "I thought it was locked " Sebastian stepped into your room. "What the hell are you doing here?" You whispered so Claude couldn't here you. "My lady, I noticed your bruises on your neck." You covered you neck with your hand. "Yeah, I just fell-" "Those don't look like you feel down the stairs. They look like someone tried to choke you out." You looked down. "My lady, There is a reason why I came here." You looked up at him confused. "My master and I have been discussing and we've been noticing the bruises and everything," You looked down again. "I thought I covered them well. " You thought. "When you came to hug him and started crying a little bit that's when he made up his mind," You looked back up confused. "We would like you to move in to our mansion." You were shocked. You were speechless. "I-I'm sorry, What?" "We would like you to move in with us." He said once again. You walked over to your bed and sat down. He walked over and stood Infront of you. "I know it's a lot to take in but we would like you to consider it. You will have time to think about it but we would like an answer soon." "W-What about Alois? I can't just leave him here." You felt like you were going to cry. Sebastian sat next to you and rubbed your back. "We understand how much you love Alois. But, Would you rather stay here and keep getting hurt like this?" You shook your head. He hummed in a response. He stopped rubbing your back and stood back right Infront of you. "If you do agree to this you will need to make a contract with me. Obviously, I do not seek for your soul this is just to get you out of this and Ciel made it clear to me I can not take your soul." You looked up at him. "May I think about it for awhile?" "Of course you can my lady. But, As I said before we would like an answer soon." "Of course. I understand." You sniffled. Sebastian was about to leave before you stopped him. "Sebastian...Before you go can you um, Tuck me in and stay till I fall asleep?" He smiled at you. "Of course my lady." You walked to your side of the bed and got under the covers. Sebastian tucked you in and sat next to you until you fell asleep. 

You woke up again to a knock on your door. You placed your hand on your head. "Ugh, I have terrible headache." You sat up and walked to the door. You opened it to see Claude there smiling. "Did I do something?" You were very scared to even ask what he wanted. "My lady, May I come in?" You just nodded.  You moved back so he could come in. He walked in and closed your door. He looked at you and smiled. "From what I am aware you didn't get a bath last night?" You nodded and looked down. "It's okay. Let's get you a bath." He went to your closet and took some clothes for you to change in. You went to the bathroom as he followed you. He placed your clothes down and turned on the water faucet. You waited on him to leave so you can get undressed. He turned around and noticed you not getting undressed. "You can get undress. I won't look." He smirked and turned back around. You started to get undressed and placed your clothes on the ground. He turned the faucet off and kept his eyes on the ground. "Your bath is now ready my lady." You walked over the bathtub as he left the room. He closed the door behind you and you began to sit in the bathtub. You could finally relax after everything happened. 

You got out of the bathtub and went to go dry off. After you got done you put on your fresh clothes. You did your bathroom routine then left. You went towards your bed to find something laying there. It was a letter from Ciel. You turned around to make sure no one was there. You slowly opened it and read it. 

"Dear Y/n, I'm writing you this letter to let you know that I have invited you, Alois, and Claude over for tea. I have also sent this letter to Alois and Claude so you don't have to worry letting them know the details. It is on October 4th. I hope to see you there. 

Sincerely- Ciel Phantomhive" 

"Wonder why their having a tea thing. " You thought. All you knew is that you get to get out of here and hopefully be able to talk to Ciel about the offer. 

Word Count: 912

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