The Tea Event Pt.1 (13)

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It was finally the day. You dressed yourself decently. You had a (F/C) laced dress that went to your knees or just below. You put on tights to match your dress. You put on your boots and went downstairs to meet your brother and Claude. You saw Alois at the door waiting impatiently. "Y/nnnnnnn. What's takes you so damn long for you to get ready?" He whined. "I'm sorry. I just had to make sure I look better than my brother that's all." You smirked at him and he dropped his jaw. "That hurts my feelings so much." He said dramatically. You went up to him and hugged him. "I'm kidding you also look good." As you two were hugging Claude came in the room. "We will be leaving now." You and Alois went out of the door together and entered the carriage. Before you could get in, Claude grabbed your arm. "My Lady, You can not come with us." 

"What the hell? " You thought. As you were stepping down you looked up at him. "I got an invite. I must go. I don't want to be rude." He glared at you and pushed up his glasses. "You told me you were sick and I must not let you go. Hannah will take care of you while we are gone." He took your hand and held it tight and led you back in the manor. You were pushed in but before you could come back out Claude leaned down and whispered, "I think you forgot...You're still in trouble for what you did." He said in a whisper stern tone. As you were about to turn around he already closed the door. You fell to your knees and started crying. "Why...Why am I stuck like this." You heard someone coming towards you and you quickly stood up and wiped your tears away. You turned around to see Hannah walking up to you. "My Lady, Are you okay?" She sounded very concerned for you. "Y-Yeah, Hannah. I'm fine." You smiled at her. "My Lady, I heard you were sick and I was sent to take care of you." "Damn Claude. You really went out on this." You sighed. "I'm fine Hannah. Really! What I would like to do is help you with your work!" You said with a smile. You realized that you and Hannah haven't hanged out in awhile after something happen between you and Claude. "Please, My Lady. You don't have too. I want you to do whatever you want to do." "I want to help you!" She looked like she didn't believe you but she knew you would argue with her if she kept arguing with you. "If you insist. Follow me, Please." You followed her and helped her with her chores. 

It was 6:35 pm and they still haven't came back. "Where the hell are they? " You thought to yourself. You were getting irradiated that the fact they have been gone for so long just for a tea event. "That's it." You thought. You put on your shoes and walked out the door. "My lady, Where are you going?" Hannah asked have a worry tone in her voice. "I'm...going out for a bit. I'll be fine. Please do not follow me or send anyone." You stood up straight and walked out of the manor and headed to the Phantomhive Manor. 

Word Count: 566

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