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Alaina Skywalker was the younger sister of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. She was only a year younger than him and yet everyone treated her as if she was five as they grew up.

Her and her brothers Force abilities were soon noted by many Jedi Knights. Though Anakin was already spoken for, she was not. Jedi Masters were quick to show interest in taking her in as a Padawan though Master Yoda only saw one fit for her. Mace Windu was less than thrilled to get Alaina as his Padawan but soon came to terms when he found how skilled of a fighter she was. He showed her to balance the dark and light inside her, something he hoped that Obi-Wan Kenobi was doing with the other Skywalker.

Although Alaina and Anakin looked somewhat different, they were near carbon copies in their personalities. She fought, acted and lead like her brother. She honed her skills like no other, becoming a Jedi Knight mere days before her older brother. She hadn't completed her trials, instead becoming a Jedi Knight through her actions, and became a Jedi General alongside her brother during the Clone Wars. They were simply known as the "Skywalker's" to Separatists, many feared their names alone but when they were together it was a death sentence.

The Jedi Council thought of both Skywalker siblings as irresponsible at times and thought it be best if they lead a battalion together rather than alone. They were given the 501st Legion to command at the start of the Clone Wars.

Alaina became quickly acquainted with Commander Appo, who she rarely went into battle without. They fought side by side during many battles. He was her right hand man in every possible situation. He became more than just a commander to her, he was in a way, her brother.

She was an easy going person, always seemed to get her way with a simple smile that showed a dimple only on the left side of her face. She used her perfect smile and eyes to her advantage any chance she could get. She found herself in somewhat of an affair with Master Plo-Koon's old Padawan, Ben Zallow. He had a similar name to his descendant, Ven Zallow who was once the Grand Master of the Jedi before his death to Darth Malgus. Alaina and Ben were the same age, going on missions together. They never did expect to have feelings for one another but that's something a person cannot control.

She wanted to not love him, she wanted to be the Jedi everyone wanted her to be. The Jedi everyone expected her to be.

Anakin quickly noticed the way Ben would look at his sister when she herself was not paying attention and the same thing vice versus. He tried to pay no mind to it until Obi-Wan started to notice.

Obi-Wan was a wise older brother to Alaina. Whenever she needed advice, he always knew the right thing to say. Hence why her hilt was so similar to Obi-Wan's. Of course, hers was a signature rose gold that nobody else had as their hilt, making hers so rare.

Many of the Jedi took the Jedi Code very seriously. One was to form no attachments and for the most part they all hadn't. But Obi-Wan, Anakin, Alaina and Ahsoka were in sorts a little family of their own. They all protected one another, willing to risk their lives to save the other.

Alaina had balanced the dark and light inside her perfectly. She was not more than the other, the perfect balance. Something her brother had yet to master. Perhaps that is why she became a Knight before he had or even a Master before him. He was unpredictable with his actions and often fought with his emotions.

She had always grown up to admire her brother, wanting to be like him. But as they got older and began to fight in the Clone Wars, she notices how much darkness is inside her brother. She fears that she is slowly losing her brother to the Dark Side.

But what she doesn't know is the fear of losing her and the love of his life is what's driving him ever so close to the Dark Side. The fear of them dying and him having no way to save them. He had vowed to protect Alaina with everything in his being and was terrified of failing. Terrified of seeing her body without life. Terrified that the one person who reminded him of their mother would be gone.

Alaina has a tough decision to stand down and let the evil of the galaxy take over or fight until her very last breath.

She does what Anakin could not..

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