5| Jar Jar to the Rescue

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I sit beside Anakin, looking around. Everybody seems to be enjoying themselves, partying even. A hand is placed on me shoulder as I look to my right to see Hondo smiling.

"Now can I persuade you to join us for a drink?" He asks. "It's a tradition, in the name of friendship."

"Fine" I say. "Nothing too strong, though, he's flying."

"Bring our guests some... refreshments!"

Two cups are placed in front of us as I look at the green contents of it. Anakin and I exchange glances as we hold the cups up for a toast. I quickly levitate my cup into the hands of the man beside me as I take his cup.

"To powerful pirates and new friends of the Republic."

I take a sip of the drink, grimacing at the sour taste.

"I still don't get it."

"Get what?" I ask.

"How a bunch of drunken pirates managed to catch Dooku when we couldn't."

"Yeah, I don't get it either" I say. "But I'm not going to ignore the gift we have received."

"To unexpected gifts then."

He holds his cup up as I do the same.

"Couldn't have said it any better, brother."

The men on either side of us fall to the ground as I shrug. Many, many drinks later Anakin and I both find ourselves waking up on the floor of a cell. I groan propping myself up from the floor.

"Mmmm, Lain" Anakin says. "What happened?"

"The question is how did you let this happen?"

"Hey! You're the responsible one."

"And you're the older one" I snap. "We had to of been drugged."

"Why would they risk the ransom?"

"The deal seems to have changed" I say. "They must be trying to triple their payday."

"A shrewd observation, young Skywalker" Dooku says.

I snap my head around to see Dooku sitting with his back to the wall.

"Oh, great" Anakin says. "It's you."

"I did warn you these pirates were devious" he says. "You will notice our shackles are bound together. I have tried to separate us.. to no avail."

"It's bad enough we have to be in the same cell" I say. "But could you at least spare me the sound of your constant chatter!"

"And while I hold my tongue, the two do you will devise a brilliant startet for getting off this godforsaken planet?"

"Yes" Anakin and I say in unison.


"I wish he'd just shut up." I look around, Dooku walking up tot he cell door. He holds his hand out as he seems to be focusing on the plate of food.

"Don't you think our priorities should be escape first, eat second!"

The plate of food begins to levitate in the air.

"Do control your brothers insolence so I can concentrate."


"What" Anakin snaps.

"Control your insolence" I smile. "The count is concentrating."

The plate falls to the ground, the knife remaining in the air. The knife goes into the key slot as the door whooshes open.

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