11| Lethal Trackdown

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I tap my finger along my arm as Ahsoka and I walk side by side into the infirmary. Anakin looks tense as he turns to us. He looks more angry than anything as he loosens up a bit seeing us.

"We have a situation. We received a transmission from the bounty hunters" I say. "They apparently took hostages."

Ahsoka takes out the comm and the transmission begins to play. My heart begins to ache as Boba holds a blaster to Ponds head. Ahsoka and myself watched the transmission when it came, so we both know Boba didn't pull the trigger but Aurra Sing does. I close my eyes briefly as the blast killing Ponds fills the room.

"Only two to go, Windu" she says. "We'll be waiting."

"I'll go." I turn my attention to my old Master.

"I thought you had bigger concerns." Anakin looks from me to Mace.

"That was before we knew hostages were involved."

"I'm sorry, Master, but you are too injured to travel" I say. "And, no offense, your presence would aggravate the boy. Ahsoka and I will go."

He slightly nods as Anakin gives a weak smile. Since becoming a full fledged Jedi Knight, my Master has a newfound respect for me. He used to treat me like a child and now he only sees me as an equal.

Ahsoka and I walk down to a speeder as we grab robes along the way. I jump into the drivers seat as Ahsoka doesn't say a single word. I glance at her as I drive, she isn't one to not speak, if anything Ahsoka doesn't shut up.

"Alaina, I don't understand" she says. "Shouldn't we be heading for the last place we knew Boba Fett was spotted?"

"Why go to the one place we know he is not?" I ask. "My dear Ahsoka, you will learn."

I tilt the speeder as we begin to go to the lower levels of Coruscant.

"That bounty Hunter in the hologram is Aurra Sing."

"Another bounty hunter? Like his father, Jango Fett."

"It seems he has found himself in the care of at least one of Jango's associates."

"So, we're looking for friends of Jango Fett or places where they hang out."

I smile at Ahsoka.

"And to do that, we just go to the lower levels, the underworld."

I land on a platform as we both get out. I place the hood over my head as we walk towards the gates. I grab a pass from my belt, scanning it as the door whooshes open.

I look down to avoid my face being recognized as we walk inside. Ahsoka quickly catches up with me as we now walk side by side.

"The data on Jango Fett suggested he frequented this area" I say. "We must be cautious, Ahsoka."

Swiftly, we get onto another speeder going to multiple locations. Ahsoka gets off before I land fully.

"Well, I hope we have better luck here" she says. "This is the fifth scum bucket drinking hole we've been to."

"Yes, and Ahsoka, please try to be more subtle."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She turns around as we now face one another.

"I love Anakin but you've adopted many of his ways" I say. "Which includes the lack of subtlety."

"Sorry, Master."

"Just try to blend in" I say. "Listen. You may be surprised what people reveal when they have been drinking."

We walk into the bar as I look around.

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