7| Battle of Khorm

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I block blasts, ducking down behind a pile of snow. I try to control my breathing as the droids come closer. I look at all my fallen men, deciding to jump out. I hold my hand out, pushing a handful of the droids down to the ice.


The tanks are positioned to aim at me as I jump up, avoiding the blasts. Blasts are shot from behind me as I turn around to Ben and a squadron of men from the Wolfpack. I smile as Ben runs towards me.

"Where is Ventress?" He asks.

"I followed her to here but it was clearly a trap."

He puts his hand to my face as I wince from the contact.

"Couple scratches?"

"Bound to happen."

He pulls his hand away as the droid army is soon perished. I walk away as Commander Wolffe stops me in my tracks.

"General Skywalker, it seems Ventress had sent a transmission to General Grievous."


I lookearound, feeling something off.

"Something wrong, General?"

"Stay put" I say. "I'm going to check something out."

I begin walking towards a cave that seems to be calling to me. Icicles hang from the top, the only sound coming from the snow beneath my feet. My comm begins beeping as I quickly click the button on my arm.

"Alaina, we have gotten word you have been unsuccessful in capturing Ventress" Mace says.

"Who told you that?"

"It's a trap, get out of there!" He says. "Grievous is on his way with more droids. You don't have enough men to combat him."

I think for a moment when I feel movement behind me. I ignore it when Ben appears with his saber ignited, I turn around just as Ventress jumps out. I grab my sabers as she slashes Ben's face. He lays on the ground as icicles fall from the ceiling.

"No!" I yell.

I levitate his body away from the icicles but not soon enough as some make it into his body. I look at Ventress as she clicks her sabers together.

"Ahh, yes" she says. "The little Skywalker."

"And Dooku's little pet."

She lunges forward as I hold my sabers in an X. I look over to Ben who is still on the ground with minimal movement.

I pull back one of my sabers, slashing the hilt of Ventress' sabers. She stumbles back, instantly holding her hand out as I do the same. She struggles to keep her composure as I push on through the Force.

"You cannot defeat me."

"Just like your brother" she says. "Ignorant."

"You know nothing of my brother!"

I hold my other hand up to the ceiling, pulling it down as icicles begin to topple over her. I levitate Ben's body out of the cave just as Grievous ship appears in the sky.

"Fantastic" I mutter.

I kneel down over Ben, who can barely keep his eyes open.

"Hey, stay with me."

The realization that he can die hits me within a second of seeing his face. I put my hand over his face, trying to heal his wound. A thousand thoughts plague my mind as I try to call upon the Force to heal the wound. My heart begins to race as Wolffe runs over.

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