3| Battle of Christophsis

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I run behind Anakin as he snaps his head.

"They're back!"

"I told you it was too easy" I say. "We never should have sent the ship back for supplies."

"It wasn't my idea to send the ship back!"

I roll my eyes, looking to our men.

"Second wave incoming."

"Rex, you and your men follow me." Anakin disappears, leaving half of our men with me.

"Appo, you know the drill!" Appo orders men to the front as I ignite my saber. I block shots as I glance at him.

"Anakin should've attacked by now."

"Have more faith, Appo!"

I smile seeing Anakin on top of the spider droid.

"Come on!" I yell.

I lead the way towards the droids as I slash through them. I stop behind one of the beaten droids, Anakin coming to my side.

"We're gonna need reinforcements."

"And how do you expect us to get some!" I say. "We haven't been able to reach the Admiral."

We both stand up straight as the droids abruptly turn around. A ship appears above us before landing as both Anakin and I walk towards it.

"Our cruiser must be back."

"Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements" Anakin adds on.

"Fresh troops and new supplies? Yes please" I say. "And my new Padawan's probably with them."

"I still cannot believe they're letting you teach" he scoffs.

"Do you forget who became a Knight first?"

"I'm still older."

"Still annoying."

"I don't think it's a good idea to bring a Padawan into this."

"There's going to be many battles like this, it's bound to happen" I say. "You know as much as you scold me about teaching, you'd make a good teacher."


"You taught me well, I think you'd make a great Master."

"I'll pass."

"I was trying to give you a compliment but I take it back."

"Can't take it back after you say it."

The door whooshes open, a familiar Togruta walks off. I tilt my head, realizing where I remember her from.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Anakin's tone comes out harsher than he intends, the regret showing on his face for a split second.

"I'm Ahsoka, Master Yoda sent me."

"It's good to see you again, Ahsoka Tano."

She smiles as Anakin turns to me.

"Ben and I were teaching Younglings when you and Obi-Wan got into a predicament" I say. "Young Ahsoka here was one of them."

"I was told that the both of you must get back to the Jedi Temple immediately" she says. "There's an emergency."

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here."

"Our communications have been unreliable but we've been calling for help." I cross my arms, tilting my head.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message."

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