16| The Citadel

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I smirk looking from Padme to Anakin.

"Awe, Ani!" I mimic. He quickly smacks the back of my head as I put my hand on the spot of my head he hit. "Ow!"

"That's what you get for eavesdropping."

"You're such a as-" I quickly stop talking as Mace approaches us.

"Skywalker's, follow me."

I look at Anakin as he raises a brow. We follow Mace to the war room as Obi-Wan, Masters Plo and Fisto await us.

"So.." I say. "What happened now?"

"Why would something be wrong?"

"Because Anakin and I very rarely work together nowadays unless it's something big" I look at Obi-Wan with a smile. "So tell me, am I wrong?"

Anakin and I have seen less and less missions together. We work well together, sometimes too well.

Anakin smiles motioning for Obi-Wan to continue. Master Plo takes over as I cross my arms.

"I hate when you are right, little one. Master Piell and his men have been taken. As you are aware, the Citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility" Plo says. "No one has ever escaped."

"There's a first time for everything."

"Yes there is, dear brother."

"Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance so we've been forced to construct a crude map based upon the data from the archives."

"The data is extremely old, the map will be difficult to rely on." I rub my head from the incoming headache.

"So we're essentially going in blind."

"Beg your pardon, General but how do we know Master Piell is still alive?" Rex asks over a hologram.

"The Separatist won't dare kill Master Piell until they have what they need." I say. "If they do then capturing them is useless."

"He obtained the coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane known as the Nexus Route which travels into the heart of both the Republic and Separatist homeworlds."

"They could prove vital in maneuvering our forces deep into remote Separatist sectors."

"Or the enemy could use them to slip through our defenses and attack Coruscant" Anakin adds.

"These hyperspace lanes are of immense interest to both our sides and could tip the scale of the war to whomever is in possession of them" Plo says. "That is all."

Anakin and I follow Plo out of the command center and down the hall.

"Based on the archive schematics, we've narrowed it down to three possible locations they could be holding him at."

"My biggest concern is infiltrating their outer security" I say. "The life form scanners will not be easy to fool."

"I've got a thought about that."

I don't bother looking at Anakin, who I know is smiling.

"Great because your thoughts are always spectacular."

Ahsoka and Cal run towards us. I thought having a Padawan would be a pain in the ass but the truth is I like the company. Cal is attentive, has great skills and eager to learn. The few missions we have gone on together has proven he'll be a great Jedi Knight.

The way we've gotten so close in such a short amount of time is surprising. He's become a part of me whether I like it or not.

"We just heard about the briefing. We're going to rescue Master Piell, right?"

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