9| Saving Master Koth

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I tilt my head as Mace plays the message from General Grievous.

"Greetings, Jedi. It would seem once again, one of your Order has lost his way" he says. "And even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council. Listen to me, Jedi, I do not care about your politics. I do not care about your Republic. I only live to see you die."

I look away as one of his assassin droids electrocutes Master Koth.

"But Death will not come so easily for Master Koth" he says. "I will make him suffer endlessly, because I know that is more painful for you all."

He laughs and laughs before coughing until the transmission ends. Master Yoda orders the Younglings to be escorted out of the room.

"It's time somebody finally put an end to that monster" Anakin says.

"On that, agreed we are" Master Yoda says. "How to find him, the question remains."

I glance at Master Plo's hologram as Wolffe appears, whispering something into his ear. I cross my arms as he looks to me. Wolffe had caught Ben and I relatively close a few nights before Master Koth was taken prisoner by Grievous. He acts as if he didn't see anything but we know he did.

"After engaging Grievous, we lost contact with Master Koth. He could be anywhere" Obi-Wan says.

"Commander Wolffe has found a message in the holo transmission" Plo says. "Play back the message."

The transmission appears again, showing Master Koth being electrocuted.

"Hand signals." I nudge Obi-Wan. "Aren't you good with that?"

"My skills are rather rusty but Saleucami System, sector J-19. Zero-eight, zero-five, two-nine."

"Saleucami?" Master Gallia says. "But intelligence reported Grievous has no ships near that sector."

"Clearly, that is not the case."

"I shall go" Obi-Wan says.

"So will I" I add.

"And I." I look at Gallia, nodding my head.

Anakin grabs my arm as I begin to walk out with the others.

"Grievous is dangerous, Alaina."

"I'm not a child, so stop treating me like one."

I shrug my arm out of his grip, catching up with Master Gallia. Appo sits alongside me in the ship as Master Gallia stands behind us. A transmission appears of Obi-Wan.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready and waiting."

"I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous' command ship."

"Just make sure you get it right" I smile.

"I always do."

"How do you plan on getting Grievous aboard your ship?" Gallia asks.

"Not to worry. The good general and I have a history" he says. "I'm sure he'll want to even the score face to face."

"Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected and board the command ship."

"If Master Koth is still alive, we will find him."

"Hopefully, by the end of this mission, we will have saved Master Koth and captured General Grievous."

I sigh as the transmission ends. I tap on the side of my chair, feeling Master Gallia's eyes on me.

"Your brother speaks very highly of you."

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