19| Ziro the Hutt

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I slowly walk into the Council Chambers as the members stare at me. I look at Obi-Wan who clear his throat before speaking.

"As you know, Ziro is on the loose thanks to Cad Bane" he says. "We need to have him back into Republic custody."

"So, what does that have to do with me?"

"We have assigned you to recapture him along with Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos."

"Oh, god" I mutter.

If there's one person who gets on my nerves it's Quinlan Vos.

"We know he is not the most conventional Jedi there is but he has strengths that will be useful in your efforts to bring Ziro back into Republic custody."

"Very well" I say. "I will report back when we have Ziro."

I slightly nod my head before walking out of the chambers. Appo waits for me at the hangar as I walk up to him with my arms crossed.

"Everything alright, sir?" He asks. "You seem, troubled?"

"Quinlan Vos has that effect."

"Ah, yes" he says. "That Jedi has quite a reputation. And I thought you and Anakin were bad."

"Very funny, Commander" I say. "At least Anakin and I are sane, he is crazy."

"While I am gone make sure Cal doesn't get into too much trouble."

"Of course, General."

I slightly nudge him.

"Ship entry from the west, sir" he points up.

The shuttle hovers over the hangar as I look up to Vos.

"Hey, Skywalker."

He jumps down, dusting off imaginary dirt from his shoulder.

"Looking good, Commander" he says. "Skywalker, you could look better. How's temple life?"

I roll my eyes as he bumps my shoulder.

"Good to see you too."

"Yes, well if you could tell time half as well as you could stick a landing we wouldn't be behind schedule, now would we?"

"Well, that's your opinion, man."

"Let's get down to business. Ziro the Hutt was broken out during a hostage takeover."

"Yeah, I read the briefing about that mess."

"I suspect Jabba the Hutt is behind this. He still has it out for Ziro over the kidnapping of his son."

"Well, my information indicates that Ziro has damaging evidence against the Hutt council" he says. "My guess is they've taken him to the Hutt home planet Nal Hutta."

"As for Cad Bane, we must capture and return both he and his quarry Ziro to the courts" I walk to the ship. "I trust you and I can keep eyes forward in this common goal?"

"You've been spending too much time with Kenobi" he says. "You're starting to sound like him."

"Can we agree?"

"No problem. I owe Bane one anyway" he says. "I'll fly. You're my copilot."


We sit in the ship in mostly silence as we near the planet of Nal Hutta.

"So, how's big Skywalker?"

"Anakin?" I ask. "He's fine."

"Not a big talker today, huh?" He nudges me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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