6| The Trespasser's

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I fix the top of my coat as the shuttle lands. Ben and I are the first off the shuttle as I pull the hood up.

"And this is the planets tropical zone."

"It's not Tatooine, that's for sure."

I turn around to Appo as he walks up beside me.

"Appo, have your men survey the area" I say. "Place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark."

"Right away, sir."

I catch up with Ben as we wait for the Chairman and Senator.

"General Skywalker!"

I look to my right as two figures walk towards us.

"Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi" I say. "I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area."

"I respect your judgement, General Skywalker, but I will go where I choose" Cho says. "This is sovereign Pantora territory."

"I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore it's not aligned" Ben says.

"Our moon of Pantora is the only civilization in this system" he says. "I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us."

"With all due respect, Chairman, this is for the Senate to decide, not us."

"Ah, but the Jedi report to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora."

"Technically speaking, Master Jedi, the chairman is correct" Chuchi says. "Since the planet is uninhabited the moon of Pantora reserves the right continue as it's protectorate."

I look at Ben before back to the Senator.

"Point taken, Senator" I says. "Ben, stay here with the Senator and the droids while we secure the base."

He nods as the door to the base opens. The first thing I notice was clone helmets on sticks. I walk closer, grabbing one of them as Appo appears by my side.

"I don't get it."

"It must be Separatists" Cho says.

My first impression of the Chairmen is that he is clearly on a power trip.

"I am not sure of that."

We make our way to the control center as I look around. I graze my glove covered fingers along the consoles.

"Do you think the Separatists are building a forward base to attack Pantora?" Cho asks.

"I don't think we're dealing with Separatists" I say. "These computers haven't been touched."

"Sir, our scouts have spotted a droid base on the other side of the ice ridge."

I exit the base, signaling for Ben to follow me as we get onto speeders.

"By the look of things I'd say whoever attacked our base took out the droids also" Ben says.

"Appo, help Ben place the sensor beacons" I say. "You four come with me."

We walk inside the base to see droids frozen and some on the ground. I look down to see Ben hunched over the snow at the other entrance. "Did you find anything?"

"I found some large footprints."

"Have one of my men make a cast."

He nods as I walk the other direction. I stand at the console, pressing the buttons on the side. Ben walks up with the rest of the men as I attempt to get the console to start up.

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