17| Counterattack

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We slowly walk in the air ducts as we near a clear path, going up.

"This passage will get us near the landing pad."

I jump up, climbing onto the platform to call R-2.

"R-2, send the shuttle to the rear landing platform" I say, holding up my arm.

"We've already been given the go ahead by General Skywalker, sir. Assuming you are still on schedule."

I roll my eyes at R-2's droids comment.

"The trick will be if Anakin arrives on time."

"A probe!" Appo yells.

Piell jumps up, slicing the droid into pieces.

"Security doors. Move or you'll be cut in half."

I let go just as one of the doors closes. I look down to Piell creating a circle in the doors before his head appears.

"We lost one. Looks like we've got some cutting to do."

I sigh, grabbing one of my sabers, creating holes in the doors. We near the landing platform as Appo looks out. I look at Cal to make sure he's fine. He's calm and collected.

"The shuttles there but there's no sign of R-2."

"Something might have happened" I say. "We'll have to make our way around to the other side and get a differnet view. This could be a trap."

I kick down the door as Appo hands me a grappling hook. I hold onto it, jumping down. I lead the way, jumping down to the platform. I hold my arm up.


"I must commend you on your escape tactics but in the end it was easy to predict your every move."

Droids surround us as the man over the intercom cackles. We are led back inside to the command center. I keep my eyes on Cal.

We're pushed into a room. I stare at the back of the commander of the Citadel.

"Welcome back."

He turns around, walking towards us.

"I must say, you're not what I pictured at all for someone with such a soft voice."

"Pretty girl for a Jedi" he snaps, grabbing my chin.

I jerk my head away from him as he turns to Piell.

"I want your half of the information" he says. "Give it to me now or I'll start executing your men."

"This is war, Sobeck" Piell say. "We're all prepared to die to protect that intel."

Sobeck holds a blaster to the head of one of my men, shooting him dead. I close my eyes at the sound of the blast. I look over at his lifeless body.

"Take them to interrogation. Torture them slowly."

With my hands behind my head, I look at Appo. R-2's droids stop the ones escorting us.

"We'll take them from here."

I smile looking down to Piell as we follow his droids. I turn around to R-2's beeping.

"Good to see you, my friend" I say. "Wondered where you've been."

"The commander is pleased to see you as well, sir, but would like to return to the shuttle as soon as possible."

I hold my hands out as he cuts the bounds off.

"What about General Skywalker, sir?"

"Not to worry. He'll switch to plan B."

Swiftly, we follow the droids outside to the shuttle.

"Hold it. Where are you taking these prisoners?"

I turn around as one of Sobeck's droids appears.

"We're transferring them aboard the shuttle from the Citadel to Point Tarron."

"Point Tarron? There's no outpost there."

I look to Cal, nodding. I smile at the droids before slicing it in half. I take cover along with Cal and Piell as Anakin's squad runs over.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Not the first time and certainly not the last."

"The ship is surrounded." I turn around to Ahsoka, who's standing behind Anakin.

"We need to launch a full forward assault and take that vessel."

I don't look at Tarkin. I really don't care for him.

"We may have a bigger problem, those turrets. If we don't take them out, they will use them to destroy the shuttle and prevent out escape."

"Which is precisely why we should get aboard that shuttle and use the weapons systems to decimate those droids."

"Whatever we're gonna do, we better do it fast."

He points up to the sky.


I click my sabers together, blocking the blasts from the incoming assasin droids. I turn my head as Echo runs with one of the droids shields.

"Echo!" I yell just as an explosion goes off.

"We have to go, now!"

I run towards them, grabbing Rex. I click the buttons on my arm to contact Master Plo.

"Alaina, what has happened?"

"I'm afraid we've had a situation with the shuttle."

Anakin runs beside me to talk on the transmission.

"By situation she means, big explosion" Anakin says. "We're gonna need a rescue."

"It will be done. I'm sending our cruisers now."

I clip my sabers onto my belt as we come to a stop. I glance at Cal. He looks fine. And by fine I mean he looks calm and collected. I'm proud of him.

"We'll need to hold out until the Council sends a ship."

"Not a problem. We've beat them once, we'll beat them again."

I nod, looking at Piell.

"This landscape is almost impossible to cross." Rex says. "How are we going to get to the rendezvous point?"

"That is the trap of the Citadel" I say. "It was designed to be impossible for fugitives to get off the surface, even if they escaped the tower."

"How lucky we're not just any fugitives."

Anakin lightly nudges me.

"I hope you're right."

The others walk past as Anakin looks at my chin.

"What is that?"

I wipe my chin realizing there was black stuff on it.

"Sobeck grabbed my chin so I'm guessing it's something he left behind from his fingers."

"He touched you? Did he hurt you?"

And there's my big brother. He thinks he can still protect me. Even now as adults and generals.

"I'm fine, Anakin" I say. "I'm more than capable of handling myself."

He looks at me with worry. He still feels responsible for me.

"Let's go."

I run past him as he follows.

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