18| Citadel Rescue

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Cal and I walk ahead of Anakin and Ahsoka as Rex makes sure everything is clear.

"What's our next move?"

"We're gonna have to fight our way off of this rock."

"Contact the council. See when they plan to rescue us" I say, looking at R-2.

"I'll take care of it."

I nod as Mace appears in a hologram. I look around as Anakin brushes past me.

"When can we expect your arrival?"

"Master Plo is already in route."

"Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men but do not delay" Yoda says. "Only a small window of opportunity shall we have. Your rendezvous point will be this island."

Blasts are heard as we all turn our heads.

"Incoming!" Appo yells.

I grab my sabers as droids appear. Rex throws a bomb as the droids sink into the lava.

"No doubt, there's more on the way" I clip my sabers back to my belt. "We need to move."

We walk along the cliff as I look down. I turn around as droids come from all directions.

"They're boxing us in" I look at Cal. "Great.."

"Lock in your cables" Anakin says. "R-2, we need your droids to hold off the enemy as long as possible. Everybody follow me!"

I fasten the cable around my belt as I run down the side of the cliff.

"Keep moving!"

Landing on the ground we jump into a hollow hole. I run down the way with Anakin right behind me. I look around the corner to make sure the coast is clear. I motion for the others to follow.

"What if your Jedi friends are not there when we arrive?" Tarkin asks.

"Keep moving and you won't have to worry about that, Tarkin."

I look at Tarkin, rolling my eyes. He makes me want to leave him stranded here. Cal comes up beside me.

"Why did Master Piell have to share half the intel with that guy?" He asks. "It's like he's not even grateful we rescued him."

"Tarkin feels the Jedi should be relieved from the burden of leading the war effort."

"That's ridiculous."

"It is and isn't" I say. "But we aren't soldiers. We're peacekeepers. I do not like him as much as you do, Cal, but for now we need to get along."

A screech is heard as I look around.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes" Piell says. "We're going to have company."

I walk alongside Cal, as Anakin and Tarkin follow behind us.

"You know, it's not wise to argue with Master Piell" Anakin says. "Certainly not a good career move."

"General Skywalker. I stand by my principles, no matter what. Besides, I needn't worry about my career. I've taken into favor with the Chancellor. He shall support me."

"Oh? I happen to know the Chancellor quite well, myself."

My stomach drops. I've always hated the relationship between Anakin and the Chancellor.

"Oh, really?"

"Let's keep moving" I say. "We can't miss our window."

"Those creatures are gaining."

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