2| Start of the Clone Wars

445 6 0

22 BBY

Ben and I stand side by side as we look at the group of younglings. I smile at them, they are all adorable in their mini robes.

"Now, before we start, any questions?" Ben asks.

Many of them raise their hands as I point to the young Togruta in the front.

"Why don't you have normal robes?" She asks.

I smile, looking down to my white suit. Ben does the same as I cross my arms.

"It's much easier to move around in this. Plus it's much more appealing than boring old robes" I say. "What is your name?"

"Ahsoka Tano."

"Well, Ahsoka Tano, maybe one day you will be able to do the same."

She smiles as I turn my head. Ben begins to talk as I zone out. My head starts to feel fuzzy as I grab onto it. I close my eyes as flashes of Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan appear. They are chained to poles as my eyes dart open.

"Are you okay?" Ben whispers.


He looks at me as if he doesn't believe it.

"You're lying."

I glance at the younglings, forcing a smile.

"I'm okay."

His eyes scan over my face before looking away. Hours have now passed by as we go through drills with the younglings.

"Excuse the interruption" Master Mundi says.

Ben and I both turn our heads to the Jedi Master.

"You both need to come with me" he says. "Master Sinube will take it from here."

I clip my saber back to my belt as we both follow him to a shuttle. We get onto the shuttle as Mundi doesn't say another peep. Ben and I look at each other as I clear my throat.

"So, are you just not going to speak?"

Ben glares at me as I shrug.

"Just like your brother" Mundi mutters.

"I suppose I'll take that as a compliment."

"We are heading to Geonosis."

"Geonosis? For what?" Ben asks.

"You'll see."

We board a cruiser as I continue to glance over at Ben. Master Mundi walks off as the two of us slowly walk behind him.

"You know I can feel that right?"

"I think this has to do with my premonition."

"I knew you were lying!"

"That's besides the point" I say. "I saw Anakin, Obi-Wan and Pa- Senator Amidala chained to these large poles."

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