14| A Secret Wedding

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I watch Leo place the helmet on his head before looking at Ben. He presses the button on the droid as it flies into the air.

It was my idea to put in extra training with Leo. He's bright but can be unpredictable. Him and Ben are complete opposites.

"Why do I have to do this?"

"There will be instances where you cannot rely on your eyes.. you need to be one with the Force."

The first blast hits Leo on his arm as Ben crosses his arms. He huffs as I shake my head. Ben's too hard on Leo.

"You got this."

Blast after blast, Leo blocks every single one as I smile. He's doing a good job. He takes the helmet off, smiling until his eyes land on Ben.

"You could've been better."

Leo throws the helmet to Ben before walking out. I smack Ben's arm once Leo is out of sight.

"What was that for?"

"Seriously?" I ask. "What is your deal?"

"I wasn't lying, he could've been better."

"Doesn't mean you have to say it out loud."

He looks away as I walk out to find Leo. I find him sitting on the steps that lead outside. I sit beside him as we listen to the wind.

"You did good."

"Don't lie."

He wants nothing more than to prove himself to Ben. I can understand. I always wanted to prove myself to Anakin. It took a while for him to take me seriously.

And now we're an unstoppable pair when we're together. A singular name that sends fear down the spine whomever crosses our path.

"I'm not. Ben is just, you know... Ben."

"I wish I was your Padawan."

I sigh, turning my head to him. My heart aches for him.

"He's your brother."

"And he hates me!"

"I think you should go back inside and cool down" I say. "Now!"

"Yes, Master."

I watch him run up the steps and disappear. I take a deep breath before going to find Ben. Ben stands alone, staring at the wall looking rather uneasy. I tilt my head as he begins walking towards me.

"I have a proposal."

"Which is?"

"Marry me."


I think I'm hearing things. He couldn't have possibly said what I think he did.

"I love you, Alaina. I never thought I could love anybody as much as I do you."

"Ben, if they find out-"

"They won't" Anakin says. "So much as long as the both of you keep doing what you're doing."

I turn around as Anakin shrugs.

"I thought you were on Teth."

"Hangar in ten."

He walks away as I turn back to Ben. I'm so confused. I don't even know what to think.

"What is going on?"

"You'll see."

He kisses my cheek before running off. I stand here for a moment before going to the hangar. Anakin leans against a ship as I cross my arms.

"What's going on?"

"You'll find out" he says. "The Council thinks we are going on a diplomatic mission to Naboo."

"Naboo? Anakin, what is going on?"

"Just get on the ship."

I get on the ship not because he said to but because I am curious. Upon landing on Naboo, Padme stands on the hangar awaiting our arrival. I walk off the ship first, walking towards Padme.


"Oh, don't be so formal."

She throws her arms around me. I smile into our hug. She quickly grabs my hand as we pull apart, guiding me inside the palace and into a room.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" I ask. "Anakin hasn't said a word about it."

"I am preparing you for your wedding."

"I'm sorry, my what?"

"Relax. The only people who know are you, Ben, Anakin, myself and the official."

"Padme, I could be- we both could be expelled from the Order."

"Do you love him?"

A dumb but easy question to answer.


"It'll be okay in the end."

Padme has a way to calm anyone, her smile is warm and comforting, it makes me feel like everything will be okay. After she does my make up and makes me put on a dress I am ready. I stare at my reflection. I have never worn anything other than my robes and my suit.

"You look beautiful, Alaina" she says. "He's waiting for you."

It feels strange wearing a dress and yet here I am, wearing one of the most gorgeous pieces of clothing I've ever seen. Padme had picked it out herself, of course. I follow her out to a balcony as Ben stands anxiously with Anakin beside him. I clutch my hands, anxiously as I approach them.

Ben looks up in disbelief as Padme takes Anakin away. I walk closer to him as he holds his hands out. I take them, shaking as he laughs.

"Alaina.. you look.. I can't even put into words how beautiful you look."

I let out a long breath, trying not to cry. It's so surreal, something I never thought we'd ever be able to do. I am going to marry Ben, and Ben is going to marry me. He will be my husband and I will be his wife.

The official talks, I can't distinguish his words as my sole focus is on Ben. The way a small piece of hair curls onto his face, his eyes never leaving mine, the small hint of pink on his cheeks.

I smile as Ben grabs my face, crashing his lips onto mine. Padme and Anakin begin clapping as I pull away, laughing. I look at the way Anakin looks at Padme, hoping one day they too will be able to live a life outside the war and Jedi Order.

"I love you."

I turn back to Ben, smooshing his face with my hands.

"I love you, too."

He wraps his arms around my waist as the sun begins to set. We stand outside for a while after Anakin and Padme leave.

"I wish it could always be like this."

To imagine a life outside or the Order with Ben seems like a dream. Like something that'll never happen.

"Me too."

It's rare for us to get time like this alone, so intimate. To everyone in the Order we are simply close friends, but to us we are married and to be living a lie. I love Ben more than anything but the reality that there may never be a time where we can truly live like a couple, and not just Jedi is haunting.

The thought of never being able to live out my life with him is haunting. I grab my head as flashes from a Jedi Cruiser appear. Flashes of myself with Appo holding his blaster to me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I force a smile, nodding. He doesn't believe me and I knew it. I can't come to terms with what I am seeing or what it even means. But in the pit of my stomach I know it isn't good.

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