13| Council Meetings

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I arrive on Coruscant as Obi-Wan waits for me on the hangar. I jump out of ship as he smiles.

"What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"Sure feels like it."

We walk side by side inside the Temple. He opens the doors to the chambers to reveal every single Council member present, besides Shaak Ti who is instead a hologram.

Obi-Wan goes to sit in his seat as I slowly walk further in. I've been in the chambers dozens of times before but this time feels different.

"Alaina Skywalker, we are here to discuss your role as a General."

I stiffen up at the voice of my old master.

"You are an exceptional Jedi, Alaina."

"One of the best since the Old Republic."

"We have been watching you very closely."

One by one, Masters Tiin, Mundi and Pro compliment me. My heart feels like its about to jump out of my chest anticipating their next words.

"Deliberating these past couple of weeks, we have been."

"You have always been more capable of controlling your emotions than your brother."

I turn my attention to Master Billaba.

"I'd disagree" I say. "Anakin is everything a Jedi should be."

"No" she says. "You are the embodiment of what a Jedi should be."

"So.. why was I called here?"

"You have shown great valiant and leadership skills on and off the battlefield. Which is why this gives me pleasure to give you the rank of Master."

I shake my head at Mace.

"Are you joking?" I ask. "Anakin isn't even a Master and he's older than me."

"Your brother can be quite unpredictable."

"And I am not?"

"Yes and no."

I can't even bring myself to look at Mundi, who has never liked Anakin or really me for that matter.

"You and your brother are two of the finest Jedi I have ever laid eyes on" Master Koth says. "In due time he will become a Master himself but for now, we see fit only one of the Skywalker's be granted the rank of Master."

Of anything they were to say, that is the last thing I was expecting.

"I think he should receive the rank of Master instead of me" I say. "I-I.. I decline it."

"You cannot decline it, Alaina."

"I think it's time to discuss you getting a Padawan."

I look between Obi-Wan and Mace.

"Now that is something I know I can decline" I say. "I cannot have any kind of distractions with this war going on."

I look at Master Plo who honed his eyes on me as if he knew.

"It would be good for you."

"I will think about it" I say. "Thank you."

I nod my head before walking out of the chambers. I find Anakin waiting outside the doors with his arms crossed.

"I didn't want it."

"I'm not mad."

I look at his hands which are clutching onto his arms.

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