15| There's no one like the Skywalker siblings

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I walk down the hall with Ben. He's been very quiet since this morning. He knows something and isn't telling me.

"What's wrong?"


"I asked what's wrong?"

"I think I forgot to.. check in with Master Plo."

He runs off before I get to say anything more. Since coming back from Naboo everything has gone back to what it usually is. We can't give ourselves away or we'll both be punished by the council.

I find myself staring at the younglings. They're so young, preparing for a war they might have to fight in. A war I feel like there is no end to. It keeps going on and on.


I look over my shoulder. Anakin walks towards me. He leans against the wall.

"What is going on with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You keep lying to me. Lain, we don't keep secrets from one another."

He's right. I keep telling myself I can tell Anakin but the truth is I don't trust him to keep it to himself. He's gotten close with the Chancellor who I don't trust. I don't think he'd go around telling everyone at the Temple but I do think he'll tell the Chancellor.


"Don't lie to me."

"I'm just dealing with some stuff. I'll be okay."

"We can deal with it together."

I look at him, shaking my head.

"This is something I have to deal with alone. Sometimes big brother can't fix everything."

I walk around him. Our whole lives Anakin has tried solving every single problem I've had. He still acts like he can fix everything when he can't.

The older we've gotten it seems the more protective he's gotten too. He's gotten a little bit better on missions together but when we're at the Temple it changes. It's like we're little kids again. He's the older sibling and feels a need to protect me but he can't protect me from everything, or really most things at that.

"Master Alaina Skywalker?"

I turn around to see who brought me out of my own head.


The boy smiles while holding his hands out.

"Cal Kestis. I am your new Padawan."

"You're my what?"

"Your new Padawan.."

I force a smile. I'm going to kill Obi-Wan. I was supposed to go with him on his mission but he dismissed me and told me to stay at the Temple.

"Let's take a walk, Cal."

We walk in silence to the council chambers. I burst in with no knock or indication I'm coming in.

"I have a Padawan?"

"I told you she'd be mad.."

I glare at Obi-Wan's hologram.

"I specifically told you-"

"You do not have a choice in the matter." Mace says. "Anakin has an apprentice.. you should too."

I roll my eyes.

"Unless you feel you are not ready?"

I look at Master Mundi. I'm not giving him the satisfaction. I know I'm ready, I just don't want one but apparently now I do.

"You know now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps a Padawan will do me well. I can give him all my knowledge."

Obi-Wan raises his eyebrow at me. He knows exactly what I'm doing.

"After all.. someone has to teach these Younglings the real ways of the Jedi."

I walk out, wrapping my arm around Cal's shoulders. We're about the same height but he still has years to grow taller than me.

"I think we're gonna have fun, Cal."

"I asked for you to be my master."

"Oh really? Why?"

"There's no one like the Skywalker siblings."

"You are right about that, kid."

This might not be as bad as I thought.

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