12| Kamino Under Attack

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I walk down the hall of the cruiser as Rex runs towards me.

"What's the problem, Rex?"

"General Kenobi has sent over a transmission between General Grievous and Ventress."

I nod following him to the command center. I stand beside Ben as Appo plays the transmission.

"The clone planet of Kamino will be a dangerous target."

"Just make sure you hold up your half of the mission" Grievous says. "We must stop the production of new clones if we are to win this war."

"Kamino" Ben turns to look at me as he says the single word.

"They're going to attack our home planet."

"The Separatists are taking quite a chance even considering this."

"With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster."

"I concur with Captain Rex, sir" Appo says. "This is personal for us clones."

"We'll make sure Kamino is secure."

"Tell your troopers in the 501st, they're going home."

Rex nods at me.

"Yes, sir."

Ben and I stand side by side as we look out the bridge to Kamino.

"So, where's Leo?"

"He is with Master Plo."

"You can't keep pawning him off on other people, he's your brother, Ben."

"We don't have the relationship you and Anakin have.. never will" he says. "I don't understand why they wanted me to be his master."

"Because he won't listen to anyone else, and as much as you'd like to disagree you know I'm right. After the war maybe-"

"I'm done talking about it."

I would be lying if I say I'm not hurt by his words. I think he notices as his shoulders relax. I cross my arms as he lets out a breath.

"I don't mean to get angry with you.. I love you, Alaina."

I look at his face, looking at the scar underneath his eye. I want to touch it but we are surrounded by clones.

The cruiser hovers in space as we walk to the hangar in silence. Getting onto one of the ships we remain quiet until we are greeted by the prime minister and Master Shaak Ti.

"Masters Skywalker and Zallow" Master Ti says. "Welcome to Kamino."

I smile as Ben slightly bows. I roll my eyes at his action, he is such a kiss ass.

"Greetings, Generals."

"I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances" I say. "We believe Grievous is planning a Separatist attack on Kamino."

"But the Republic blockade is far too strong" Lama Su says. "They would not dare."

I sigh as Shaak Ti motions for us to follow her. Admiral Yularen has sent word that Grievous has commenced his attack. Ben leads the team in the sky as I remain in the city with Shaak Ti. I stand with my arms crossed, staring at the chart.

"The fleet is not as large as I expected" Shaak Ti says. "Begin the air strike."

"Warning falling debris."

"Grievous appears to be sacrificing his transports in favor of protecting his command ship."

I don't look at her as I keep my eyes on the falling debris.

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