1| The Skywalkers

680 11 0

24 BBY

I get out of my fighter as Mace smiles. He rarely ever does smile so when he does I know I had something to be proud of.

"You did good, my young Padawan."

"Did you just compliment me?" I ask. "Are you sick?"

"Don't make me take it back."

I smile as we walk into the Temple. I feel my breath hitch as Ben and Master Plo walk towards us.

"Master Windu" Plo says. "Padawan Skywalker."

I feel Ben's eyes on me as I look down.

"Good to see you, Master Plo."

"I heard you are becoming quite the pilot" he says. "Perhaps I shall have to see firsthand how good you have become."

"Perhaps" I say. "Though I'm not nearly as talented as Anakin."

I look up as Ben and I make eye contact. He smiles as I fight back the urge to do the same.

"If you have the time, maybe we could do drills together?"

"I- um" I say. "Sure."

"Very well, Alaina."

Butterflies erupt in my stomach as my name slips so seamlessly off his tongue. I turn around as I hear footsteps approaching. Anakin walks towards us as Mace tries to hide his annoyance.

"I have to steal my sister."

I look at Mace as he nods his head.

"Good day, Master Plo" I say. "And Ben."

I walk towards Anakin as he lightly punches my arm.


"Oh, shut up, that didn't hurt."

We walk outside as he points to different points of Coruscant.

"It's so different than Tatooine."

"It's better." Anakin never did like Tatooine and it's not hard to understand why.

To be completely honest I didn't care much for the planet either, but our mother still remained there. I know Anakin loves her but he avoided any conversation about her.

As the sun set, Anakin and I sit across from one another outside the Temple. The wind begins to blow my hair into my face as I push it back behind my ears.

"Obi-Wan said your Force abilities are starting to get stronger" Anakin says, breaking the silence.

A smile appears on his face as I shrug.

"I guess."

"You guess?"

"I feel like everybody compares me to you."

His smile vanishes as his face turned to concern. I look away to avoid his eyes.

"Don't listen to them, Lain" he says. "You are better than me in many aspects, I don't want to hear you doubt your abilities."

"It's hard not to when everybody talks about how great Anakin Skywalker is."

"And you don't think they talk about you?" He asks. "Why do you think so many Masters wanted you as their Padawan?"

"Can we change the subject?"

"No" he snaps. "You're going to be one of the best Jedi there ever was."

I remain silent, staring out into the sky. Nights like this made me realize it won't always be like this. One day we're going to be on missions away from one another.

"We will not always be together, you know that right?"

"It doesn't matter how far away from one another we are, I'll always be there to protect you" he says. "I'll always be there for you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You're my sister, I won't let anyone hurt you, ever."

I force a smile, wanting to believe it. But the reality of it is, Anakin won't always be there. There's going to be a time where I will need to let go. A time where he will need to let go, however I wasn't so sure either of us could do it.

Anakin looks behind me as a smile creeps up on his face. I look at him confused before turning around myself. Ben stands a couple feet away from us with a big grin on his face.

"Still on for some training?"


"We were just wrapping up a conversation" Anakin says. "She's all yours, Zallow."

Anakin stands up, walking past Ben as he pats his back. I stand up, awkwardly walking towards Ben. We walk inside the Temple together.

"Master Plo speaks very highly of you."

"Master Windu speaks very highly of you."

He smiles as I try to control my breathing. His smile was perfect in every way, the way his eyes sparkle gives me goosebumps.

"Your hair looks extra frizzy today."

"I tried brushing it this morning and it kind of poofed up."

"I like it." His eyes wander over my hair as I look straight forward.

I can't control the smile on my face as we enter a training room. Ben takes his saber out first as I grab mine from my belt before igniting them.

"How do you fight with two sabers?"

"It's really not that hard" I smile. "Maybe you should learn."

"Maybe you should teach me."

He lunges forward as I hold my sabers up, blocking his. "You don't need me to teach you."

"But I want you to."

My eyes dart back and forth from his lips to his eyes as I back away.



"I-" he isn't able to finish his sentence.

Master Mundi and Billaba burst into the room as they motion for us to follow them. They walk with haste as we follow closely behind. Ben and I exchange glances as I began to wonder what he was going to say.

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