8| Liberty of Ryloth

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I look at Mace as our tank is hit. He opens the top as I jump out.

"Take cover!"

I run to the front, breaking the glass. I take the clone out as Mace grabs his body. I look at Commander Ponds, who is leaning against the tank.

"Commander, bring out the Lightning Squadron."

I look at Mace as he motions for me to follow.

"Get the injured back" I say. "We're going to clear the way."

I close my eyes, holding my hands up. I push them out as the tank falls off the cliff. Two clones come up on walkers before jumping off.

"All yours, Generals" one of them says.

I jump onto one as Mace takes the lead. We near the droids as I shoot the two leading the attack. Their tanks are blown up by the clones as I jump down. Ponds and Mace walk on either side of me as we go to the edge of the cliff.

"How many men did we lose?" Mace asks.

"Thirty-two, I think, including command crews of three walkers" Ponds says. "The good news is General Kenobi's broken their lines. We can clear a path straight to the capital now."

"This battle was costly."

"We are going to need help to take the city" I say. "We cannot do it alone."

We get back into one of the tanks, descending upon the capital.

"What is your progress, Skywalker?" Palpatine asks, looking at Anakin's hologram.

"My fighters have secured control of the space around Ryloth" Anakin says. "We have the Separatists cruisers on the run."

"Very good, General Skywalker."

I roll my eyes at Anakin as his hologram disappears.

"Master Kenobi has taken the Jixuan desert, so the Southern Hemisphere is ours" I say, pointing to the map.

"Then it's almost over" Senator Orn Free Taa says.

"Not yet. The key position is the capital of Lessu" Mace says. "Our spies are certain the Separatist leader Wat Tambor has his command center there."

"When taken the city we have, capture Tambor we must" Master Yoda says.

"It's not going to be easy, Master" I say. "Tambor has chosen his stronghold well. This plasma bridge is the only way in or out."

"I'm afraid a seize could drag on indefinitely."

"My people have suffered so much already." I look at the Senators hologram, sighing.

"A plan you have to take the bridge, Master Windu? Hmm?"

"It is actually Skywalker's idea" Mace says turning to me.

"Our forces are stretched thin, I thought it would be best to enlist the help of the freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla" I say. "His fight against the droids has made him a symbol of freedom for the people."

"Cham Syndulla was a radical before the war" Palpatine says. "He is very unpredictable."

"He can't be trusted. I know Syndulla seeks to gain power" Senator Taa says. "We were political rivals."

"With all due respect, Senator, I do not deal with politics" I say. "So, I will leave that to you. But I'm going to do whatever I can to help these people, your people."

"Perhaps we could send you Republic reinforcements instead."

I turn off the transmission as Mace turns to me. "I doubt Master Yoda appreciated that."

"I'm tired of hearing the Chancellor talk."

He tries to hide a smile as we get out of the tank. I stand behind Mace, watching him glance over the cliff.

"What makes you think the rebels are this way, General?" Ponds asks.

He ignores the question, kneeling down to the ground.

"The resistance fighters ride creatures native to this region" I say, noticing the marks in the ground.

"These tracks are fresh."

"Which means they can't be that far" he says. "Isn't this the spot where they were massacred? Looks like it was hell of a fight. Hmm, wonder who put up these gravestones."

I turn my head as a creature roars in the distance. Mace holds his hand up as everyone remains silent. We get on the walkers and go down the cliff, finding ourselves hiding beneath a bridge, the sound of droids above us filling our ears.

"Why didn't we take them out, sir?"

I look at Mace, smiling.

"I have a feeling the rebels will do it for us."

Blasts are heard, the droids talking of an ambush. Mace nods as I grab my sabers. He runs off as we all follow him. Once we get up to the surface, the droids are all destroyed with nobody in sight. A man stands above one of their tanks, his men surrounding us with guns.

"I was wondering when you'd find me, Master Jedi's."

"To be fair I'm not a master." Mace scowls at me as he turns back to Syndulla.

"General Syndulla, I've come for your help."

"What makes you think you'll get it?"

I tilt my head as my eyes narrow on him. He brings us back to his base, I take my time looking around. "Some hideout."

"It has advantages."

"We saw the graves of many of your people in that battlefield as well" Mace says. "Together, we can prevent that from happening again."

"Do you know why we were massacred, Master Jedi?" He asks. "When the droids swept over Ryloth, the Republic was unable to help us. We were forced to surrender. And we came here unarmed. The Separatists brought tanks to exterminate us."

I continue walking when a young girl come's running into Cham's arms. I smile at her as she waves. Cham invites us to sit beside him, offering food and drinks.

I listen to the conversation between Cham and Mace, not uttering a word. Mace's comm begins beeping as he opens a transmission from Ponds.

"What is it, Commander?"

"The droids have begun a firebombing campaign" Ponds says. "Several villages in our sector have been destroyed, sir."

I'm the first to stand up as Mace follows me out.

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