4| Dooku Captured

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I sigh, turning on the jet pack going into space. I fly to Dooku's ship, landing on the top. I press a button on one of the panels, an opening appearing. I lower myself down before taking off the equipment. I look around, seeing two droids preoccupied with the panels in front of them. I run past them slowing down once I get to the cells.

I grab Anakin's saber from my belt, looking at all the doors. I press a button to one of them as the doors whoosh open. Two men sit across from one another, turning to look at me. They stand up as I wave my hand.

"Don't bother."

I close the doors back up before going to the next one. I walk inside as there was no prisoner to be seen. I walk in looking around before turning around, igniting Anakin's saber. I roll my eyes realizing it was Anakin.

"Oh, it's you."

"This is how you thank your little sister for rescuing you, pounce on me from the ceiling?"

"Kind of difficult without a.. lightsaber" he says, snatching his from my hand. "Thanks."

"Did you manage to locate Dooku before landing in jail?" I ask, smiling.

"Well, I know he's on board" he says. "Might have been able to do something about it if I'd had my weapon."

I smile as we leave the cell.

"Your capture had to be convincing."

"Oh, they were convinced all right" he says. "But how come I'm the one getting caught all the time? You're the younger one and it doesn't look good."

"Maybe because out of the both of us, I'm the more reliable one."

"Yeah, okay" he scoffs.

We walk into Dooku's quarters as he sits in the center with his legs crossed and eyes closed.

"Surprise, surprise" Anakin sings.

I grab my sabers igniting them at the same time Anakin ignites his.

"Good to see you Count, you look terrible."

"Of course, the annoying Skywalker girl" he says. "I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force. I see you've freed your brother. Where might he be if he did not have his sister to rescue him?"

"Your ship is surrounded Count, Republic troops are boarding as we speak."

"Jedi fools."

He presses a button on the floor, a doorway appearing beneath him. He slides down as Anakin runs towards it.

"Well, doesn't surprise me" I say. "What are you doing?"

"Following him."

"Not that way. We need to cut him off."

"You cut him off. I'll follow him and meet you at the hangar." He jumps down to follow Dooku.

"The most annoying person ever."

I run out of the room and to the hangar to see Dooku flying off in his ship. I groan, slashing the droids in my path as I get onto a lone ship. I turn it on as I wait for Anakin. He sits beside me, taking over the controls.

"I thought you were following Dooku."

"I was. I followed him here" he says. "Hang on."

I hold my arm out, pressing the button as it beeps.

"Ahsoka, Dooku managed to escape" I say. "We're in pursuit but we could use reinforcements. Follow us in what ships you can round up."

"We'll get there as soon as we can."

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