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"Congratulations O!"

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"Congratulations O!"

"I knew you could do it! I'm proud of you girl!"

"Okay! Big O, not the little one!"

"Let's go, Junie!"

Orianne was all smiles as she listened to her family and friends congratulate her on her biggest milestone yet. She had only graduated from college two months before, and now, at the age of twenty-one, she is one of the youngest broadcasting reporters to grace channel 25, which was located at studio 5. The station, News Today, will be her home for the next few years, until another grand opportunity comes her way. It feels weird to get something you've prayed for because it didn't come right away, but it came. Orianne was happy nonetheless. She knew that's what was for her, was for her.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Her family yelled in unison.

"Since you guys insist!" She rolled her eyes playfully and stood up.

"I just want to say thanks to everybody that's present! I honestly couldn't have done it without you guys' unconditional love and support. It takes a village, and I'm truly thankful for mine. All those long nights, breakdowns, uncontrollable tears, and so on. You guys stuck by me and helped me whenever I asked. A major shout out to my father though, because being a single father to a daughter isn't easy, but I admire your strength. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the amazing young woman I am today. Ya girl is a reporterrrr! Talk to me nice or don't talk to me at all!"

Orianne boasted as she did the bankhead bounce with her father, who stood up and joined her. She smiled widely as he pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek. A flash went off, and she knew her cousin, Azaire, the photographer in the family, was taking pictures.

"I apologize for the interruption, but it's time to serve meals." A young waiter announced himself as he walked into the party room that Orianne and her family were occupying. They locked eyes, and Ori felt her heart flutter once he smiled, showing his pearly whites.

"Girl! Don't even think about it!"

Looking down at her friend Kayli, Orianne frowned in confusion because she didn't know what she meant. All she did was look. She flattened the back of her dress and slid back into her seat. "What are you talking about?"

Kayli smacked her lips. "You know what I'm talking about. I saw you looking at that boy. He's a waiter, someone below your level."

Orianne rolled her eyes. "That mindset of yours is rude and nasty. What does him being a waiter have to do with anything? If I want to look, I'm going to look. He's cute, and if I wanted him, I'm pretty sure I could have him. Him being a waiter doesn't bother me."

"You know, sometimes it's best to keep things to yourself? Did anyone ever teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it all? I may be a waiter, but I'm also the manager too, being that this is my father's steakhouse. After all, I may be a waiter, but I guarantee that I have more money than you, because obviously you don't have enough or your lace wouldn't be lifting."

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