orianne micah wright jr.

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"Gooood morning News Today! I am Orianne Wright Jr

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"Gooood morning News Today! I am Orianne Wright Jr., and I'm reporting to you live from downtown Newark at the scene of a live bank robbery. Around 11:30 this morning, four masked armed gunmen stormed the bank. Unbeknownst to their knowledge, an employee was able to hit the silent alarm before they were rounded up, giving the gunman exactly two minutes to do what they came to do. Unfortunately, their mission failed once the police surrounded the entire bank, forcing them to take hostages. The NJPD, Newark Police Department, and SWAT are currently on the scene."

I sighed once Mason turned the camera off. This was the fourth crime scene we've been to since 8 o'clock this morning. Lord, I am tired. I pulled the mic from my ear and handed the microphone to Eric. We all piled into the news van and drove, heading back to the station. We didn't need to stay until the hostages were released because I had all the important information and my sources were going to keep me updated. I pulled my phone out of my purse. I was due to meet my father and many cousins for lunch soon.

It didn't take us long to make our way back to the station. I was the first one out of the van, letting my heels hit the pavement. I pulled my skirt down and grabbed my purse, waving bye to my coworkers. The only two I liked and the only ones that liked me besides my boss. Everyone else thought I was stuck up and better than them, which was a crazy take because that's not like me at all. I'm very humble and was just taught to walk with my head held high. Yes, I'm rich and the governor's daughter, there's no denying that, but that's not my personality.

I despise people because they irritate me.

I pulled the door open to Jayden's Beamer and slid inside, setting my purse and coat in the passenger seat. Yes, I was driving my Pooh's car. I stayed the night last night, and he told me to take his keys this morning because he was taking my car so he could get it detailed, get an oil change, and get some new tires. I was definitely almost late to work because I was going to skip breakfast and eat something else. Aside from the many men in my life, no nigga has ever done anything for me in relation to my car. Now I see why I left them niggas alone. All that combined was at least two thousand or more.

I shook my head and took my heels off before shutting the door. If anybody can drive with heels, they are a true solider, because I can't. I pulled the seatbelt across my chest and pushed the start button before pulling out of the lot. I needed to go home and get some more clothes because I was spending the night again for the weekend. I was helping Jayden babysit while his parents went out. It's been a minute and Jayden encouraged them to go have some fun. The twins are now 6 months old and full of life, looking like every bit of Ms. Sonni.

After driving for about twenty-five minutes, I pulled up to this cafe. I parked behind Armis's blacked-out Rolls Royce Ghost and killed the engine. I saw Uncle Jeffery approaching my door, so I hit the locks and removed my seatbelt before putting my heels on. I grabbed my purse just as Uncle J opened the door. I grabbed his outstretched hand and stepped out of the car. He helped me put my jacket on as I held my purse.

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