orianne micah wright jr.

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Ugh! I groaned as I tried to stretch my stiffed body but couldn't

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Ugh! I groaned as I tried to stretch my stiffed body but couldn't. I opened my eyes and shook my head. Jayden had me locked in with his leg tangled in mine and his arm wrapped around my stomach. I shook my head and tried to get out of his hold but obviously couldn't. I have to pee and if I didn't get up soon, it wasn't going to be pretty.

"Mhmm, Bug what you doing girl?" He groaned out as he tightened his hold on me making me sigh dramatically and throw my head back.

"I have to pee, Pooh. Please let me up." I said making him open his eyes, blinking rapidly before to adjust to the light.

"Just pee on me." He mumbled making me laugh.

"Jayden O'mari West, stop playing with me on this good Sunday."

He finally let me out of his hold and I hurried to the bathroom to release my bladder before it burst. I pulled my shorts down and let out a big sigh. Once I finished, I wiped myself and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. While I was standing at the sink, I decided to go ahead and take care of my hygiene before going back into my room. I shook my head with a smile on my face. Jayden was on my side with my pillow wrapped tight in his arms.

I took that as an window to head downstairs to whip up breakfast for my two favorite guys. Our staff be off on the weekends because I like to be in the kitchen. I pulled on my purple Dolce and Gabbana robe and slid my feet into the matching house shoes before walking out—going downstairs. I checked on my twin before shuffling into the kitchen. I grabbed everything I needed to make a small fruit salad. I cut up some Granny Smith apples, pineapples, oranges and placed all that into a bowl with some grapes.

"Good morning, Twin."

I looked up and smiled watching my father walk into the kitchen. "Good Morning Pa. Do you want some coffee?"

"Yes please, what you cooking for breakfast?" He asked tossing a few grapes in his mouth making me laugh. Man I can't do nothing but thank God that my father is still here. His heart attack had me scared and I was truly thinking the worst. His health has never been a problem, so him having a heart attack was not easy for me, at all.

"Ricotta pancakes and a frittata." After I fixed his coffee the way he liked it, I moved around the large kitchen getting everything I needed to make the two breakfast food. I pulled a clear glass mixing bowl from the cabinet and started mixing the pancake mix—made sure I added extra vanilla and nice a amount of ricotta for fluffiness. I moved the pancake batter to to the side and started working on the eggs for the frittata. I cracked at least six eggs in another glass mixing bowl and sat it to the side.

"Where's Jay?"

I heard my father ask which made look up. "He's still sleep."

"How is he with everything that's been going on?"

I shrugged not really knowing the answer. He said he's doing okay but I don't believe it. Just like he's there for me, I try to do the same for him. "I really don't know Pa. Like he says he's okay but being okay doesn't reach his eyes. He's too busy worrying about me and not himself. I like that but I want him to understand that he comes first."

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