jayden o'mari west

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"So how was your date, mister man?"

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"So how was your date, mister man?"

I laughed at my mama as I took a seat at the kitchen table. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and took a bite before looking at her. I smirked and shrugged. "It was aight."

She smacked her lips and smacked me with an oven mitt. "Boy please! You ain't fooling nobody. You ain't come home until 1 something this morning. That date was more than aIgHt."

I laughed and dropped my head as I chewed. The Lady was a trip, but I loved her to the death of me. She took me in when she didn't have to. When my parents abandoned me, she was more than willing to be my parent. Sonni was the sunshine God knew I needed in my dark and gloomy life. "But nah, for real, out of the few dates I've been on since I got out of prison, that was the best one."

She smiled and sat the hashbrown bowl in front of me before pouring a glass of apple juice. "Speaking of prison, have you told her?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. "No ma'am, not yet. I don't even want to see that reaction. You see, she ghosted me for a few days when I told her I was 19, so just imagine what she'd do if I told her I'm a felon. I know I need to tell her, but I'm not sure when or how."

I huffed and sighed in frustration as she looked at me sympathetically.

"Don't think too much about it, baby, and from what I know, I don't think she's going to care about you having a record."

I arched my eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about, mama?"

"Her family is apart of the mob and I guarantee she'll tell you that once you tell her. If she looks at you any differently knowing what her family does, then she's not the one for you."

"Sunflower, I just know you're not in this kitchen being messy."

I busted out laughing once Pops sent a hard slap to her backside. I choked on my apple because the impact caught me off guard. She hissed and smacked him out of reflex. Lord, it's getting domestic! If my mouth could hit the floor like it does in cartoons, it would have.

"Damn girl! If you like it rough, just say that." He smirked and wrapped his arm around her waist.

I gagged and shook my head. Yup! That was my cue to go. I grabbed my bowl and made my way to the living room because I did not want to see or hear any of that. I'm so glad their room was soundproofed because I would definitely die. Silas and Sahil were some quiet ass babies. They were in their swings, sucking on their pacifiers. I took a seat on the couch and placed my cup on the side table. It was nothing on TV, so I just paid attention to my breakfast, which consisted of hash browns, eggs, onions, red bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, sausage, and cheese. It was a lot, but it was good. Love when she made these.

As I ate my food, I thought about Orianne and our date last night, making me smile. Baby was something else, and I liked it. She almost got pinned to the backseat though. She was lucky we were in my mama's truck and not my car. She had a lot to drink at the bar, so I know for sure she's still asleep, sleeping her hangover off. As if she knew I was thinking about her, my started ringing, allowing Siri to announce the call through my AirPods. I tapped the right one, answering her call.

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